
If it saves just one life should all cars be banned from the roads?

by  |  earlier

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I am making a point following an answer to an earlier question which tried to justify outrageous limitations on our freedoms as citizens on the grounds it may save a life.




  1. Simply NO! and I should add that the 'green cross code 'needs to be brought back!

  2. most of the time its not the cars fault and they save people to

    what would happen if police didnt have cars they couldnt catch crime ppl

  3. no, it's not as if many people die on the roads anyway, especially considering the amount of people using them (including pedestrians/bikes/etc). added to which they are a major source of donated organs so the deaths are balanced out by the lives they save

  4. No, all people should be banned from cars.

  5. no .  but wouldnt it be nice without the noise. the pollution. the noise. the traffic jams and more noise. my idea of heaven is a world with no cars.

  6. No,just the unsafe driver.

  7. It is not the car that is the weapon.  It the person driving it.

    There should be harsher penalties for people who cause death by dangerous driving.

    People who do this should be at least banned from driving for life.

  8. Yep.. Could be your wife or children who get run over....

  9. No, progress = risk. Freedom = risk, governments interference is nothing to do with it. The answer to your question is democracy.

  10. Ive got a question for you......

    If killing off 10 moronic people would save the life of one actual decent intelligent human being, should murder as a crime be abolished?

  11. no, it would bring gas down real quick!

  12. no, cause people need to go do they need to do. Without cars

    people would have to use the bus. Then thats when bus prices will go up cause too many people use up all the gas in

    the bus trying to go somewhere,plus people will be late for work because the bus was full...So thats why people need cars

  13. If all cars were banned from the roads to save one life how many other lives would be lost as there would be no ambulances to get people to hospital.

  14. Let's take this one step further. Should we all go back to living in caves? Would that save a life?

  15. Cars don't kill people, negligent/reckless people do.

    Right gun nuts?

  16. That's where the Government seem to be going with their attacks on the British motorist.  The thing is they are addicted to the money they rob from the motorist too !

  17. But then there would be more deaths from overcrowded trains, busses, horse accidents  etc etc.

  18. No.

    It would entirely kill the economy.

    One life is not worth the risk of millions of lives.

    Just my opinion.

  19. Why not everyone just stay at home and hide in a corner????

    It isn't the car, It is the driver that makes the car dangerous.

  20. No.  We'd have to use the tractor to get groceries.

    I'd rather see semi trucks and other trucks on different roads from cars, but that won't happen either.

  21. No. But the idiots who are reckless and selfish should be banned for life, instead of a flimsy two year ban or whatever the 'lenient  incompetent Judge of the day decides'!!!!

    Why should decent drivers suffer for the brain dead morons that plague our roads??? A ban for life might deter a few fools...

  22. To answer this question, you need to follow that thought to it's logical conclusion.  If cars were banned because they can take a life, then would we be responsible to ban everything that has the potential to kill?  Almost everything in our surroundings has the potential to take life, where would you draw the line and who would enforce the rules?  No stairs, no bicycles, no food larger than a Cheerio, no roof tops, no trees, and of course no s*x, because of the risk of diseases and death in childbirth.

  23. Before cars could be banned, a viable, SAFE alternative is needed, that offers everyone the same convenience but hopefully a much better all-round deal i.e.

    * Pollution free ~ so no-one dies from emissions

    * No combust! So no-one ever again dies horribly in "great" balls of fire!"

    * 100% recyclable, made from (super-strong, corrosion-resistant) material/s that don't cost the Earth ~ as aluminium does!

    * with speed prohibitors ~ in populated / pedestrianised areas / blackspots

    * & radar ~ auto stopping if likely collison detected

    * decent bumper zone/s...

    The list goes on about the improvments that could be made.

    Oh! And I wouldn't call these much-needed upgrades to our old-chariots-of-fire "cars" (because of all the bad conotations).

  24. we see these ads every day about keeping your speed down,but to be honest,speed is not the killer,its the idiot behind the wheel or the pedestrian who steps out without a thought for anyone else,I would rather the police pull people up for not using their indicators,or getting their lights fixed,and then there's the elderly 80,90 plus who poodle along swerving,braking at 20mph on a 60 mph limit,with no idea of the traffic jam behind them.

    following some of them is just like watching paint dry

  25. No way. To many people rely on cars and trucks for transport of goods and people. More people in the world would starve if all cars were banned from the road. "the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few"... Even if it were my "one" life lost, i'd still say that cars should never be banned from the road. they just need an alternative source of fuel. :)

  26. Ok now i live in rural Ireland..

    I drive a 4x4... not because I want to but I have to...

    I would rather walk or use a bike..

    Our roads/lanes/tracks have no pavements they are more or less posh dirt tracks,

    The local shop is about 3 miles away in walking distance, but for the safety of myself & kids i have to use my 4x4 on muddy pot hole ridded tracks (which I pay road tax for)

    we could get killed by a bull got lose from a field or a herd of cattle beeing driven for milking down the lane or a trackor coming down the lane which is only wide enough for it.

    as well as the few speady racers doing 20-30 mph on the winding roads/lanes/tracks.

    And yes i have met ALL but luckly we have been in my 4X4 so we have been safe.

    So ok ban cars 4x4's.. mi & mi kids might be another death on the roads....


    "Woman & kids, killed by Bull & Cattle hurded by Tractor on country lane in Ireland while walking to the shops"


    " stupid woman why didnt she use a car she was only going for a pint of milk to the local shops"

  27. Life is a risky business. It can be risky to let kids climb trees, but we don't ban trees do we? I don't know where humans would be if we didn't do the odd risky thing or two.

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