
If it take the PAP test does that also check for HPV?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering if when i take my annual Pap smear test, do the doctors also check for HPV using the same sample or is it a seperate test?




  1.   Your Pap smear is sorta a two part test.  Your Pap test looks for abnormal cell changes....and if abnormal cell changes are found a second test is done...(it is using the same sample taken of the cervix) confirming that you have one or more high risk HPV types.

    Some doctors run the HPV test with every Pap smear...if you are under 30 it is important that you ask your doctor will he be running the HPV test regardless of the Pap findings.

    A single Pap may miss abnormal cell changes of the cervix. It can take years for abnormal cell changes to occur.  

    Low risk HPV types are not included in HPV screening of the cervix.

    The HPV test is a screening test for the cervix only.  

    The HPV and the Pap test run together regardless of your pap finding have been shown to be more accurate in diagnosing the precancer lesions of the cervix.

    I wish you well.  


  2. yeah, they swab your cervix and using this under a microscope, they check for abnormalities. if the pap comes back abnormal, that may be HPV but not always. good luck!

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