
If it was implied in a few newspapers?

by  |  earlier

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That you had something to do with the disapearance of a small child in the local area and it was discovered that you didnt, would you?:

a) Sue the papers, get a 6 figure pay out and keep the money for yourself

b)Demand that the papers print a retraction and apology and donate any pay out to a charity.

I dont know what Robert Murat is doing with his money, but I know that no money could make up for this distress and having the money would remind me even more of that hard time.




  1. I'd go along with it.

  2. I would demand that the paper be banned from ever again publishing any stories, and that the persons responsible be charged in a crimanal court.

  3. Hi Mrs Grolh

    Sue, and for more money than 6 figures - have you any idea how that type of slander can ruin an innocent man's life ??

  4. Without a single doubt A.

  5. a), definitely. Even if found to be innocent, the stain would remain on my character for life and I would need every penny to cover futre loss of earnings. The good old British public still believe in the saying "no smoke without fire". Remember the case of Sally Clark who was wrongly jailed for killing her children? The poor woman could never come to terms with what had happened to her and ended up killing herself.

  6. I'd say A.  Why the f*** should be give his award to charity.  He is an innocent accused of terrible things, and he needs to rebuild his shattered life...

  7. He says both him and his mother have had to use their savings fighting this. If that is the case why should they face poverty in their old age due to false accusations.

  8. My guess is he needs that kind of sum to start to rebuild his life - can you imagine this guy being able to get a job? Mud sticks, even though he won this, people are still going around saying "I still think Murat had something to do with it"

    I feel for him - also, didn't the McCann's themselves get a higher sum from the Express? What did they spend their cash on, bet the only 'cause' they would have donated to was their own.

  9. The way this world and country is going take as much as you can any where you can get it.

    It wont be long for a full melt down and a pound of spuds will be a luxury

  10. B.Deffo xx

  11. Sue the f*ckers and keep the money.  If I won such a case they'd have to print an apology and retraction as part of the settlement anyway.

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