1.Could we be a peaceful nation? Do you not agree that war does not make peace, it only make more war?
2.Could we stop having two parties? Could we agree that there is but one actual way things are, and that we need attend to that actuality, rather than split into two IMAGINARILY different "sides"?
3. How do we overcome ignorance, and the hateful propaganda that's been memed into the public conscious? How do you replace it with the truth?
How do you de-fuel the fire of hateful opposition, so that these things might occur?
4.Even if you DON'T have any how's to offer to these question's, what would you like to SEE the world be like in general? If it could be any way you'd want?
Shouldn't it evolve into something better, in time? Well what do you imagine that'd be like. How would it work.
And for those of you WITH a toolkit...
If we really though we could change it some NOW, what should we change?