
If it was up to you which species would you save from extinction?

by Guest10796  |  earlier

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If it was up to you which species would you save from extinction?




  1. Honey Bees.................

  2. humans

  3. Lets see, what's in danger?

    Gorillas? I think I'd want to save gorillas.

    Elephants. I'd want to save them if it was necessary.

    I think the order should go something like this:

    People like me

    People in general

    Animals that are like people




    intelligent mammals




    Other big fuzzy or cool mammals

    Other big animals

    other animals in general

    And saving anything not on the above list would probably be necessary as a corallary, such as if it were the food of something listed, like eucaliptis for Koalas, or salmon for me.

  4. I would save all the species which are extinct now (for ex.)tiger

    elephant etc.

  5. Sea otters! Not only are they cute and cuddly, but they eat sea urchins that eat kelp. Kelp forests help save the small fish from predators in the open ocean, so with this chain of reactions, sea otters are a keystone species! yay!

  6. If it was up to me, my only true answer would be to save them all..... Have a green day  john t

  7. tiger and the panda bear

  8. probably not man

  9. the human baby.  As it seems now, whales, snails, turtles, snakes, owls, seals, birds, lizards, bugs, roaches all have their defenders, its only the preborn human that can be butchered without anyone raising an eyebrow.

  10. Polar bears

  11. All of them of course.  Except maybe certain strains of pathogenic microbes.

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