
If it was your CHOICE,you would have CHOSEN.............?

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to stay YOUNG or grow OLD??




  1. would have saved a lot of heartaches instead of using alcohol and cocaine to stay for ever opinion...

  2. i would choose to stray young...cuz if im young forever i can try out all the new things that come to the world as it changes...or how the world would have changed after my death  

  3. 28 was such a good age! Old enough to enjoy all of the benefits of being an adult, old enough to have SOME knowledge to make sound judgments,  and still young enough to have no aches and pains!!

  4. Very interesting question you have here.  

    On one hand staying young has so many perks. You live a carefree, innocent life, not fearing anything. You virtually have no responsibilities, and tend to trust people.  

    To grow old (er), you have the opportunity to experience real love. You are more willing to take on challenges and grow in intelligence and knowledge.  You have more experiences and wisdom behind you in order to help you make wise decisions regarding your life.  You get to drink, and consume finer foods and drinks.  You get to make and spend your own money on anything you desire in this world.  

    I know there is more to add to both categories listed above, but that was my start.

    For me, personally, I would have to choose to grow older.  Not because I am closer to death, but because in this life I have found my true happiness.  I have discovered more, loved more, asked more questions, and found the person I am on the inside.  I know none of these things would have happened to me if I remained young, as a child.  I am 31 years old, and for the first time in my life I feel like I am truly living! Sure, I have responsibilities and everything is not perfect, but at least I have the cognitive ability including my experiences to know what I have gained in this world because I have had a desire, and just because I have lived a longer life.

    Thanks for reading!

  5. stay young. but if i found the right person, i would want to grow old with him.

  6. I'd choose to be 32.  Not too young, not too old.  Naiive in some things, experienced in others.  

  7. When I was young, I would have chosen to remain young, watched all my friends age and die and regretted it.

    Since I am old, I would dread being young again. I just wish being old didn't suck so much.

  8. It is / was / and will always be my choice, but can I believe it completely and live that belief fully?

    Okay, so going along with your hypothesis, I would choose to grow old.

    The reason I would is that I prefer to be old when I die.  People`s bodies do die young, you know.

  9. Stay YOUNG ... like 18 or 19...

    Not too young, like age 5...

  10. to stay young, I really don't want to deal with all the health problems that come with aging.  

  11. Stay young because I want to be forever young.

  12. Personally if it was my choice i would chose to grow old. I would love to stay alive and see what happens with my family and the world but I would just prefer to grow old.I just believe that everyone has a time to go and that we should make the time we have the best we can.  

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