
If it was your choice to choose the president (it could be anybody) who would it be and why?

by Guest57896  |  earlier

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If it was your choice to choose the president (it could be anybody) who would it be and why?




  1. Dennis Kucinich,  a politician who is one of the strongest supporters LGBT rights.

  2. Rihanna :] Because she is amazing

  3. Shania Twain. I want a female president, and I like Shania!

  4. honestly.... i have no clue.

    certanly not the ones running, or any authority figures, i'm too vioent to be the president, i'd call for mass exterminations when i had a hissy fit.... not to sound like.... selfish i gues, or anything, but someone with my idealiogy with a calmer temper and firm head. i'm rash and hyper and like a little kid that know lots of big words.  

  5. Howard Stern !

  6. Madonna

  7. quite honestly i'd like to see bill clinton back in office again.

    if it can't be him - well Ellen DeGeneres :)

  8. I would choose the person who gets the most votes in November, whether I agreed with the majority or not.  Because, way above who the President is stands the principle of Democracy.

  9. chris brown cause hez likq ommgg!!! lol

  10. Oprah.

    Face it, she's as close to goddess-ness as there is.

    In fact, if Oprah is ruling, let's make it a monarchy.

  11. I'd choose Hillary Clinton as president and Obama as vice president.

    Since that's not the case I'm voting for Obama/Biden.

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