
If it wasn't for Alcohol, The Human Race would not have been able to?

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  1. i don't think so.

  2. What Dean Martin also said was "I'm praying for rain in California, so the grapes can grow and they can make more wine"

  3. It was not booze.

    It was an apple

    Thanks ladies!!

  4. DRINK.need I say more.

  5. u wouldnt b able to get drunk. experience a hangover. alcohol tends to let your inhabitions go, and makes u more wild

  6. get cirrhosis of the liver

  7. Work as cervezca-servers at carnivals

  8. as Dean Martin once said, I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When you wake up, that's the best you are going to feel all day.

  9. Dance with lampshades on their heads.

  10. This isn't a complete questions.

    A. In eygpt, the water was too dirty to drink, so beer was invented.

    B. get through answering these questions.

  11. Cope.

    The Mind is a work in progress. It is a powerful new tool but has not been bedded down all that well. Throughout history individuals have felt at times the need to adjust their minds normal functioning through the use of substances. Alcohol seems to hit a certain spot.

    Until better days then.

  12. The consumption of mind-altering substances did help our development of sentient thought. Being sentient is good.

  13. If it wasn't for alcohol, the human race would not have been able to sing karaoke.

  14. ugly people would not have been able to pro-create...

  15. have hangovers

  16. Discover hank williams, janis joplin or jim morrison.

  17. stagger along the road in an aimless direction not knowing for sure where your meant to be heading

  18. intristing topic my friend.

    Theres a lot of debate

    but alchohol can be sued for a lot of good things

    Like morphine there is 4.6% Albuitherol Alchohol.

    But if your talking strictly about drinking, personally I think our country would be a better place without it. Im not going to quote prices

    but the yearly consumtion of alchohol per year by americans is HUGE

    I only drink on St Patricks Day. I was raised in Ireland and I fly back there every year for festivities.

    Other than that I dont drink. Alchohol I Think, polutes your judgement, and tho its fun at first you look like an idiot when you are stumbling just to walk

    hope this helps


  19. the pilgrims founded Plymouth Rock because the beer ran out on the mayflower. they wanted to go further south to colonize a better climate, but when the beer ran out they said "h**l, pull the boat over right here."

  20. Drive Drunk and rip someones life apart?

  21. start cleaning areas were surgery  was to be done and wounds

  22. alcohol was a way of drinking without getting sick from the water, for a long time. Same with tea.

  23. Visualize lofty aspirations, through experiencing euphoric states...

  24. Have 50,000 DUI related deaths per year.

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