
If it wasnt rape then what was it?

by  |  earlier

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To make a long story short, I was hanging out with this guy I knew last thursday (8-14-08). We were suppose to just watch a movie and chill at his house. He leaned over & kissed me which startled me. So we were layin on his bed watching the movie. And things kinda started happening. And as it went on, I started freaking out. And when my nerves get going, my hands start shaking. And I started crying & told him that I couldnt do this. And he asked why not and what was wrong. And I tried explaining it to him. And then he just kept on. And he was on top of me holding me down. So I couldnt exactly just get up & leave like I wanted to. And there was this moment when I, not exactly blacked out, but I guess zoned out. And I dont know what exactly happened. Im pretty sure before that happened, that nothing happened, but during that time, Im not so sure. And there was no date rape drug or anything like that b/c I hadnt drank or eat anything or whatever at all since I had been around him. And I just dont know what to do. Im going to the health department tomorrow but do I need to go to the police if im not sure if it was rape or not? I just dont know what to do. And I know I shouldnt of waited this long, but I was scared & didnt know what to do. And if it wasnt rape, can I still go to the police & get him for something else? Because I dont want him to get away with this and then end up doin it to other girls, if he hasnt already. I just need some legal advice I guess.

Not sure if its relevant, but Im not a virgin & last november, he was the one I had lost it to. But I didnt want anything to happen this time, and I made it clear when we were talkin on MSN, thru facebook and thru texting. So he knew how I had felt about it, but obviously it didnt mean anything.




  1. Yes.

    The question is will you be able to prove it?

    From what you post, I doubt it.  A decent defence lawyer would tear you to shreds.  But you have to think about what might happen if you do not report it.  Will he try again with someone else?

    I knew someone who was raped.  She never did or said anything.  So he did.  Again, and again, and again.

  2. i dont wanna sound like a d**k but if you had s*x with him before and you were laying on his bed...

    if u were crying thats kinda ****** up though

  3. Tell someone about this. If he didnt stop rape or not, thats awful  

  4. You girls are so stupid, getting into trouble with us guys...

    Go to police atleast now silly...

  5. i agree with jason although if you gave this guy some mixed messages it becomes a very fine line.  only you can answer this last part.  i would say if there were mixed messages on your part then I am not so sure it would be fair to file a formal complaint.   yet, this being said, you must do what you think is best and of course you were there.  i'd talk to some trusted friends, take some time to sort it all out.

  6. yep thats rape

    call the cops

  7. The moment you said no and he didn't stop it became rape.  

  8. You refused the situation and told him no. Talk to the police and they will take it from there. Don't be scared about not reporting it sooner. In most cases it sometimes takes a little while to build up the nerve to report things like this. Do not let others influence the decision that you feel is right and follow through what you think is best.

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