
If its 100% green like a solar thermal power station why is no one willing to build one?

by  |  earlier

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This technology has been tested and works and with the latest equipment updates will generate power 24 -7 if the gov would back operations like this we could produce hydrogen as well.

The hydrogen could be used to run cars, trucks. buses etc and ween this country of the over inflated oil prices the world is being charge. Just think in 15 to 20 years we could be selling hydrogen to other country's that wanted to stick with oil and had no infrastructure in place for new technology




  1. Have you ever tried to start a business?

    With the socialists minded bureaucrats fighting you with environmental impact studies as well as costs, starting any kind of business is near impossible today.

    Just an hint of what to expect - from:

    "Since 2000, Cape Wind's Gordon has burned through $30million of his own wealth, much of it to pay for studies of the site. The result is a four-foot-high stack of environmental reports, including three federal applications looking at the wind farm's potential impact on birds, sea mammals, local fishermen, tourism, and more. "We've gone through a more rigorous evaluation process than any prior energy project in New England," says Gordon,"

    Little does he know - the environmentalists will still tie him up in court - the project may never get started.

  2. it inst completely developed and would be more costly than oil for now(go research the cost for a single solar cell). Further more there ARE these plants but they supply a limited and minuscule amount of energy when compared to oil and natural gas( why we should develop them more)

  3. It's exspencive and is only viable in very sunny places.

  4. Because it's too expensive!

  5. first and foremost COST solar and thermal are VERY expensive to build although the energy you get afterwards is cheap.. the initial out lay right now exceeds the cost of other forms...

    second at least for thermal is what are the LONG term effects?? remember in the 70's we re-engenered car engines to get rid of all emissions OTHER then CO2 .. because CO2 was a non harmful gas natural to the environment..... and it was SAFE....

    now they tell you thermal is safe.. what will we know in thirty years about solar and thermal that we do not know now??

    just in case you are interested in a SMALL effect there is one.. more will come.

  6. No  ONe?

    Ausra's Las Vegas solar thermal plant comes online

    Solar thermal company Ausra on Monday opened a Las Vegas factory meant to produce enough equipment each year to provide 700 megawatts of power.

    The 130,000-square-foot facility is designed to manufacture massive mirrors and absorber tubes, employing 50 workers and leading to the creation of 1,400 construction jobs at solar sites.

  7. A solar station charging  newly patented EESU s would create havoc with the energy companies and big oil. The government is owned by these interests. The profits would no longer be there. The same with geo-thermal energy. It would be produced too cheaply.

    In fact it was Lockheed I believe that bought the EESU patents so it would be used only for military uses. The power and capacity of the EESU is amazing. It is thought to e the breakthrough.

  8. <<with the latest equipment updates will generate power 24 -7>>

    i don't think so.

    other than maybe at the north pole in june.

    however, there are several solar plants.

  9. OK Good point but first think of the car aspect Hydrogen engines are vastly different from gas powered cars... that mean re-training all the mechanics, changing all the gas stations to hydrogen stations.. also how may people do you see still driving cars that are 20 years old so that means it will take over that time to integrate them into our current system.

    now for the Power Station side well they take a lot of time to build and space and money.... also i live in a rural Midwest town it would take decades for us to get that technology heck we hardly get any cell service out here

    hope that helped.

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