
If its not a fear...than what is it???

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This might be a wierd question....not like people have poasted more wierd things but...

I have this somthing....its not clausterphobia. But i dont like to be on the computer or do anything with the door open. It makes me verry uncomfortable. Like just a min. ago, some one in my house asked me to keep the room i was in door open. I sat there for a min. then got really uncomfortable and got out of that room.

I can be in rooms that are wide open....just not in a room were i am bymeyself with the door open. Wierd hu??

i can sit there with the door partly open...but its still a bit uncomfortable.

And another thing is i dont like book shelves or dressers to be to high or to low in a room cuz then i feel uncomforable if its to high or to low!! WTF

Dose any one know what this could be other than wierdness??



I know that the catigory its in is wierd but i didnt know what else to put =P




  1. I suffer from almost the exact same thing, where I can't stand to be in a room, on my own, with a door open (the more people there are there with me, the better it gets). I never thought to find the name of it, but I had a look around, and, although there doesn't seem to be an official name yet, I did see a fair few others with similar problems. So no, its not that weird, don't worry ^.^

    If you're genuinely afraid to be in a room alone with the door open (or shelves/closets of a certain height), then yes, it's a phobia.

    If, however, you seem uncomfortable more than afraid (even if it gets to the point where you need to leave the room) - like me- then its not quite a phobia, but I haven't yet found the name for that, either (helpful, aren't I?). But it's just as irrational, and as common, as a phobia.

    Listening to music on my earphones with the volume turned up helps me if I'm feeling uncomfortable (and will help drown out any outside noises).

    Also, if this uncomfortable feeling is affecting your day-to-day life then you should get it checked out by a doctor. It could be a sign of OCD (it's just a possibility, and I am by no means a doctor, so don't take my words as fact).

    (By the way, mental health probably would have been the best option =D)

  2. I have the door problem too.

    but I don't mind it being open I just like it closed

  3. Is there a stupid question?,

    Well I don't know clinically if there is anything really bad going on.  IF I were to classify just based on what you have said I would call it very mild OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), or maybe some kinda phobia, but that doesn't really mean anything.  Everyone has their own pet peeves and idosyncrasies, and compulsions.  You probably don't need to worry about it unless it causes you a real problem with interacting with others or if you have other things going on.  If that's it, your PROBABLY fine.  

    If you want to change it then you could read up on Systematic Desynsitization and try that.  You can do that yourself without any problems.  

    Thank you for your time and your question.  


  4. It's weird i've allways had the door problem.

    It is fear.

    I don't know if your weird

    but this isn't

    Yeah It takes a while to get used to

    i'm still not used to it

    You might not think much of it later


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