
If its not my fault do i need insurance?

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my wife was in my uninsured car this morning, in the parking lot where we live. my neighbor backed into her, how do i handle this if i dont have insurance




  1. i just got done with a not at fault claim. though i have insurance, i never once gave my info nor did they ever get contacted. So if your lucky you can get away without having insurance if the other person takes responsibility for the accident and admits fault

  2. The neighbor could pay for the damages. It would be his insurance paying if it went thru them so I don't know if they would report her or not. Frankly I don't think so. Call your insurance co. to be sure. Then get all your runnable vehicles licensed!

  3. you pay to fix both cars....simple.

    what do you think insurance is for??

    doesnt mater if its his fault,a quick call to the police when he finds out your not insured and youll find yourself in court,you will get fined and still have to pay for the damage,plus court costs....its uninsured drivers who keep the preiums up for the rest of us...

  4. You have to have insurance it is not a option. no insurance and the vehicle should not move. I do not know why this is so hard to understand

  5. Answer from a General Insurance Agent

    All drivers are required to carry proof of financial responsibility when operating a motor vehicle on public roads. A parking lot is usually considered private property unless it is owned by the state.

    That being said. Not having Insurance does not make your wife at fault.

    The at fault party is always liable for damages to the other vehicle so you could still file your claim.

    The problem here is that if the other driver files a counter claim, you will have no insurance policy to defend your wife against the claim.

    I would just calmly ask your neighbor first about it and see if he agrees to fault before filing any claim.

    If your neighbor disputes fault and is not filing a cliam or report against your wife, it might be better to let sleeping dogs alone.

    Good Luck

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