
If its raining heavily, its said "its raining CATS and DOGS" why ?

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If its raining heavily, its said "its raining CATS and DOGS" why ?




  1. in my opinion in midividual time the people will be worship the animals

  2. All my links say they don't know for sure, but the thatched roof is one.  Odin's attendants are cats and dogs and he's a storm god.

    My granpa used to say that when it rained cats and dogs you stepped in a poodel (puddle).

  3. because in medieval time they put the animals on the top of the roof, this included cows and sheep, ect and because the roofs were usually made out of mud or straw the animales would fall of the roof.

    however the animals were actully in the attic.. like not actully on the roof so i couldnt tell you exactly why but i do knoe that because when they had the witch hunts cats were never aloud inside so i guess they were sleeping on the roof and dogs, as today, were also considered guard dogs so they may have been outside on the roof to watch for visitors or intruders.

  4. cos i think that it makes so much noise that it seems as if there is a fight between cats and dogs!

  5. Please don't believe that thatched roof theory.  That did not happen.  People never put their cats and dogs on thatched roofs only to have them fall in when it rained.  Thatch was inexpensive as far as building materials went, but not to the point where they could afford to constantly repair it because their pets were on the roof again.  If they had thatched roofing, it would mean that they were very poor, and would be careful to protect what they had.  Fixing the roof might mean not eating or not earning a living for awhile.  

    No doubt if they were dumb enough to do that once, they'd quickly make sure that their pets stayed well away from the roof in the future, and they'd warn their neighbors.

    Rather, it's a metaphor that compares the ferocity in which a cat and a dog might fight to the power of a heavy rain.   Raining cats and dogs just means that it's a particularly violent storm.

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