
If jeremy kyle became prime minister do you think he would solve the countrys' problems.?

by Guest59708  |  earlier

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If jeremy kyle became prime minister do you think he would solve the countrys' problems.?




  1. No because this idiot would be worse than Brown and thats nigh-on impossible.

  2. no he'd make them worse he likes mixing with chavs to much ------------> :)

  3. i`d get on the first flight to outer mongolia........

  4. jeremy beadle ( god rest him ) if here,  could not solve our problems. but his gags would surley cheer us up for a little while.

  5. Oh no, he's got a gambling problem - that would be our taxes gone on the gee gee's..

  6. No, the guy is so narcissistic and in love with himself its unreal.  He loves the sound of his own voice!  I can't stand the self-righteous prat!

  7. Never.

  8. If it meant we didn't see the ***** on TV, it would solve one of my problems

  9. He might solve the "overcrowding" problem coz everyone would emigrate!lol


  10. No. All we'd get is some interventionist idiot who's big-headed self-righteous ego would put Tony Blair to shame.

  11. No!but we would have a lot of theatre and drama every day!But wait a minute!Don't we have that now??

  12. I don't think having an ignorant, self obsessed bigot in charge would solve anything.  It didn't under Thatcher.

  13. No - his show is just a wind-up - the man provokes and then preaches - I am utterly fed up with that kind of low brow nonsense.

  14. No way then man is a bigoted fool and would completely wreck this country up.

  15. Anybody & I mean anybody could do better than new labour.

    London zoo has some chimps that would do a better job than the current cabinet!

  16. I doubt it.

  17. Yeah hed sort the benefit scroungers out for sure.

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