
If joint legal custody, mother has primary physical custody how can an att. give custody to dad w/o signature?

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If joint legal custody, mother has primary physical custody how can an att. give custody to dad w/o signature?




  1. Are you saying that the attorney physically released the children to their father without mom's consent?  And if you are, whose attorney was it?

    Your question is unclear.  But no one has authority to contradict the court's custody order.  Only the judge can change that.

  2. ?  

    Your question makes no sense. You need to give us more details - like what on earth are you talking about?


  3. Attorneys don't award custody.  Attornies apply for custody.  Courts grant custody.

  4. He can't.  An attorney has no legal authority to give anyone custody.  The ONLY person who can change a custody order is the judge.

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