
If just one volcano spews out more carbon in a year then all of mankind in recorded history why reduce?

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my personal "carbon foot print". The entrie thing seems silly to me. I also found out recently that Al Gore was the mastermind behind the Y2K scam and that he owns a zinc mine which is the primary ingrediant in fuel cells! Seem to me this entire thing is just anothe global "Goring"! What about you?




  1. I don't think anybody has a good estimate of how much of what is spewed by volcanos. Most of the surface of the earth is under the oceans and consequently most of the volcanos are under water too.

    Volcanos may have a bigger role in global warming than anybody knows because if submarine volcanic eruptions transfer substantial amounts of heat to sea water this would eventually heat the atmosphere.

  2. I think you are wrong.  

    No matter what you'll have to agree that every car's exhaust, every power plant's exhaust, every house that runs a furnace has exhaust.  so with that in mind all of that exhaust has to go somewhere and guess what it goes up in the air and is trapped there.  So no matter what people say, the carbon that is in the air has to have some kind of impact on the atmosphere.  

    I also think people are trying to critize Gore on other things such as the false Y2K scam and his energy usuage in his mansion and his ownership in a Zinc mine becasue they can not disprove the facts from his movie.

  3. Ok...-So if a Volcano DOES put out that much CO2 in a years time- THAT justifies us doubling it??? Look; we're dumping too much of our OWN garbage onto the land, seas & into the air. And we're creating MORE- all the time. HOW BAD do things have to GET- before we start DOING something about it??? Do people have to start dropping dead in droves- before someone finally says, "Gee, maybe we should do something about this..." -Alittle late THEN- isn't it?  Al Gore is nothing more than a "dog barking in the night". But dogs bark- for a reason. And if we choose to ignore them- then its our OWN fault what happens next...

  4. I must agree 100%.  Mr. Gore contributes more to "carbon foot prints" than most towns.

  5. The carbon particles spewed out by volcanoes are substantially heavier than the Co2 spewed out by internal combustion engines and they fall to earth and out of the atmosphere MUCH more rapidly. The Co2 created by fossil fuel burning on the other hand is almost purely vaporous and is composed of only the more volatile fractions. It remains in the atmosphere and traps heat while letting in sunlight for quite a long time.

    As for the Y2K 'scam', it wasn't a 'scam', it was a misunderstanding of the impact of the Y2K 'bug'. Gore was not a 'mastermind' behind it, he was just one of the better-known people warning about the dangers. He didn't 'invent' Y2K any more than he 'invented' the internet.

    Please feel free to inquire about anything else that is confusing you.

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