
If karma is come evil people get honored & get rich?

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How come they don't get back what they put out??




  1. Maybe we are wrong about karma?

  2. In all the discussion of karma, I'd like to throw in some Christian beliefs.

    True, if you look around for very long and pay specific attention to everything, it will be hard to believe in karma for very long. The bible says that God sends the rain on the just and the unjust. If you look back to Old Testament days, one needs to look no further than Job. A righteous man, who had terrible things happen to him all at once! Also, look at the prosperity of the evil nations surrounding Israel and Judah, so much so, that they eventually carried them off into captivity. I suppose one could say that Israel/Judah had it coming because of their own wickedness, but they were still taken away by wicked nations, not righteous nations.

    I realize that some on here might not believe or agree, but I do not spend much time on karma. I spend more time thinking about things that I have direct control over and focus my energy on that. Hope this helps and doesn't stir up too much trouble.


    Deenie, that's a good point. Same point though that God hasn't set earthly things up to where certain people are favored over others. Spiritually speaking, though, is where he'll differentiate. I'm not sure I've communicated what I'm thinking exactly, but I think I am agreeing with you. Its funny how when you type stuff it just don't sound right when you get done.

  3. Karma isn't real.  The Bible says God will judge the wicked and the rightous.  He can also take the bad things in life and turns them around for His glory.

  4. Well i don't think god did those bad things at all. I think god gave us the right of "free will" the day Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden. I also think that because we have the right to free will that's why bad things happen. It wasn't in gods plan to have a child killed by his babysitter from Shaken baby syndrome. It was the free will of the person that did it. God does "miracles" everyday and i think that is when he interrupts free will.

      In my opinion you pray for the strength to deal with whatever is going on. I used to believe in Karma but now i just don;t. I also don't believe things happen for a reason anymore either. I think things happen and god gives us the strength to deal with them. But we in nature look for the reason of whatever happened to us.

    ~Good Luck~

  5. Who is to say that they don't.  Do you think they are "truley" happy?  Also, have you consdiered what will happen to them in their after life?

    What comes around WILL go around.  They or ones closest to them will be at the coming around of the circle.

  6. who said karma is real? this is more philosophy than science. who is to say who or what is evil? i will tell you this though, everything is balanced. if it goes out it goes somewhere, it doesn't always have to come back, it can be converted in to something good. say you beat someone up for no reason (that sounds like an evil thing to do) you break their leg. well,  doctors find cancer in that person's body, the doctors save him. he has a son who finds the cure for aids, cancer whatever and saves alot of people. good right? no bad all thoes people inflict pain on each other cause wars overpopulate the earth and everyone dies. bad right? it's all how  you look at the glass. half empty or half full. see philosophy

  7. they do, do you se all the bad in the rich and famous, and would you like to be followed all day. look at brittney????

  8. The answer is.the Universe is indifferent to our existence.You get out of life what you put into it and what you work for.Be it for good or evil.

  9. karma is real and people who have done bad things karma will slap them in the face later and good people just get it because it just happened some things are not just planned

  10. Just because someone has it good at the moment does not mean that it will stay that way. Sooner or later it will catch up with them in one form or another, that does not mean that what happens to them will be obvious to anyone else, it could be internal instead of external.

  11. Karma's back log.

  12. Karma is nothing magical, it just means what comes around goes around. The Christian equivelent is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." ]

    Now think about what you asked. Do you think that fame and money is really what you are missing in your life?

    I think these evil people are probably not happy, even with all thier stuff, because they dont have spiritual peace. Afterall, you cant take the money and fame with you. That has to stay on earth.

  13. The Hindus who believe in karma also believe in reincarnation and that karma has its effect over many lives.

    This may explain the injustices you see.   But perhaps even this is too simplistic an idea.   Karma may not be just about reward and punishment for good  and bad behavior.  It may also be about having different kinds of experiences for the purpose of spiritual development.

  14. Karma runs deep enough to be invisible to onlookers

  15. Hello

    You cannot see the path of karma via the span of a single incarnation.


  16. Well, Denie, it looks like your rational thinking here lays a foundation for doubting the existence of karma AND God.

  17. yes... what goes around, comes around.

    Law of Karma

    All living creatures are responsible for their karma — their actions and the effects of their actions — and for their release from samsara. The concept can be traced back to the early Upanishads.

    The esoteric Christian tradition, Essenian and later Rosicrucian schools teach it as the "Law of Cause and Consequence/Effect"[9] However, this western esoteric tradition adds that the essence of the teachings of Christ is that the law of sin and death may be overcome by Love, which will restore immortality.


    Actions do not create karma (good or bad) when performed by an individual in the state of Moksha or liberation. Such a person is called "Stithaprajna". The monist, Adi Sankara taught "Akarmaiva Moksha," which means "Moksha can be attained only by doing, not by a process of effort". All actions performed by one in the state of Moksha are called Dharma.

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