
If keywords are used that get a site a first page ranking, about what percent of surfers will become visitors?

by Guest65011  |  earlier

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SEO-newbie question, to get a sense of what fraction of the 'market" for a given longtail keyword (say, from one month's search) should land on a website that has a first page search engine ranking for that term. 20%? 80%? Are the top five results almost guaranteed to be clicked through? Etc.




  1. Nothing is "guaranteed" to get a clickthrough from search engine results, but you can greatly increase your chances of visitors by how you construct your web page titles.  They should be keyword focused, yet descriptive enough to target in on your audience.  A well-written page title will generally outperform a crappy, non-specific page title when it comes to the clickthrough rates, at least based on my own small amount of testing.

    I did a little bit of digging & I found a few websites that displayed approximate clickthrough rates based on a website's position in the SERP - I've included those links below.

  2. It depends on the number of monthly searches and the competition?

    Try using these 2 tools together

    The first gives you related words and the competition the second shows you how often a term is searched for. :)


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