
If killing a woman that is pregnant counts as two murders how come an abortion isn't "legally" murder?

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i say legally because i know in God's eyes it is murder




  1. I totally agree!!!

  2. Well now... In those states where abortion is illegal I suppose one could be tried for murder, if they had an in-state illegal abortion. If they went out of state to somewhere where abortion IS legal, well you know what they say about "Vegas". Either way I think it would be difficult (not impossible) to prove.

    I personally believe there are two acceptable reasons for getting an abortion 1. Victims of rape, they had NO choice in the getting pregnant part. 2. If the mothers life will be compromised by carrying to term, it should be her call.

  3. I don't think Sunshine is talking about abortions after 12 weeks! Quit bagging out on her, she works in the same health care profession I do and we would know more about this that alot of you. Have any of you ACTUALLY seen an abortion and Im not talking about on youtube! abortions are all about choice and anyone that has one has it for their own reasons so STOP FREAKIN JUDGING PEOPLE ONE WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!

    This question just makes me mad, but I guess that's what you wanted.

    termination is a choice and everyone has their own reasons for their own actions.

    Bring a child into this world by choice not chance.

    I put this to you, what if a female is raped, then what is she obliged to raise that child or is it different? Is she aloud to have an abortion?

    God  sent his son Jesus to forgive our sins and he is understanding to our choices and needs in life.

    You can't judge people without knowing them or their reasons.

  4. Well I don't think that in every state killing a preg. woman is considered 2 murders, although I think it should be.  But when I hear about it being counted as 2, it does make me wonder where the logic is when abortion isn't murder.  Go figure, that's just the society we live in.

  5. I agree! As far as "her body"...NO! the baby is a separate body. Women can do whatever they want, get tattoos, piercings, whatever, but when you kill a person inside you, that is a body! not ur body, a precious innocent baby's body! abortion disgusts me!!

  6. It has to do with legislation!!! That is why when women have a baby early that is born breathing and everything they may not be issued with a birth of death certificate. This can happen with babies born quite early!

  7. that is a great question why is it not considered murder to kill your own baby but is if someone else does.  perhaps a question for our politicians that seem to think it is okay for abortion to be legal but not murder.  I also find it funny that the prochoice people found it easier to skate around the question or call you names instead of answering i in there opinion.  at least the ones who answered before me anyway.  why does it matter who chooses to kill the baby the baby is still dead either way.  also there are sins according to the bible that are unforgivable.

  8. well the murder of a pregnant woman being 2 counts was opening the gates to abortion is murder. making change in washinton takes time.




  10. in most states it is illegal to have an abortion after the first trimester because the baby's brain and heart begin to form very rapidly after the first 3 months.

    Personally, I agree that it is a form of murder just because even in my first month of pregnancy (I knew I was pregnant even before it showed up on the test), I knew it was a baby. To me it was and to me, I felt emotionally attached to it, even though it was no more than growing cells in my body. Mostly, I'm guessing the hormones.

    I do agree that it is the mother's choice - especially if it is a rape victim. I however do not see how anyone can condone it for a girl that doesn't understand that there are MANY birth control options and repeatedly choses to avoid said options for physical pleasure and decides not to take responsibility for her actions, whether that is giving up the baby for adoption or keeping it, considering there are so many young couples that would love to adopt a child.

  11. Because abortions are performed before the body is fully formed and before it can feel pain, and you're just a troll. Grow up and stop judging others and trying to tell them what to do. Don't you have your own life to live? Obviously not.


    I work in a hospital.

    I have seen many abortions.

    As for information about the reflex response in fetus looking like pain, but lacking electrical responses that indicate pain, meaning they feel no pain, check out this little periodical, it's called, oh, the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE.

    99% of abortions are performed before 20 weeks. Partial-birth abortion is quite rare.

    I have NEVER seen a doctor stick scissors into the back of a fetuses head, where are getting these rubbish lies?

    Grow a brain please, educate yourself.

  12. i heard that its considered murder if the baby was fully able to live outside the body, like in the last trimester. in abortions even late, they arent that far. but i am still against abortion, that is just the reasoning here.

  13. I totally agree with you, but it's the world we live in that sees it differently unfortunately.

  14. Sunshine you obviously do not know much about how abortions are done. Some abortions are done before the baby is fully formed, true, but it can still feel pain, it is a living being. There are also many abortions that are performed when the baby is basically fully developed, ever heard of partial birth abortions? They put the mom into a forced labor, deliver the baby feet first, everything comes out except the head and they insert scissors into the back of it's neck and suction it's brains out.  Now you want to explain to me how the he** that isn't murder?

  15. Because the women herself didn't choose.

    Her body. Her choice.

    Please stop pushing your agenda on others. It's purposely inflammatory and you obviously want to start a fight. No one here is in Congress - we can't do anything.

  16. AMEN! lol...i like smart!


    thumbs down me if u want... i dont care..i just dont agree with killing babies

    just because people make mistakes doesnt mean that the baby is a mistake...God doesnt make mistakes!!!

    ahha! yay clever people!

    *sunshine* are the dumbest RN ive ever seen...Abortions can take place legally up to 12 weeks...the unborn CHILD has all the systems developed to feel just like you and i by 9 weeks...

    and she is not forcing her opinion on anyone...everyone who replies or reads her post CHOSE to read it... she didnt put a gun you anyones head and tell the "READ IT AND LIVE BY IT!"  for real people...

  17. I really think that you need to get some help. Also, I don't know why these people think you're a girl because your masturbation question in men's health clearly disproves that.

    God did not actually say anything about abortion did he? Not anywhere that I read. The bible does however tell you not to judge, because that is God's job and not yours, so if you're so religious, you might want to follow that advise. Unless you are a hypocrite?

  18. It is her body and her choice. Would you want to have a baby if your father raped you and you are like 12 years old? Its a womens choice not someone who decides they want to kill her.

  19. Getting an abortion is not the same legally as a pregnant woman being murdered and consequently losing her baby. OBVIOUSLY, in the case of an abortion the woman has consented to having her pregnancy terminated and as the pregnancy is in her body and a part of her, if I were going to relate it to a crime (which I wouldn't because it isn't) I would say it is more like suicide than murder. I am pro-choice however WISH people would be more responsible and use contraception if they aren't ready for a baby because I do think it is heartless and stupid to use abortion as birth control.

  20. Actually, it's very hard for the person to get charged (and have these charges stick) with two separate murders.

    I agree with Chelz.

  21. shut the h**l up.

    you're not god, you don't know anything about what he sees as murder.

    he accepts everyone the way they are and forgives them when they make mistakes.

    just like him forgiving you for being a dumbass.

  22. I agree. I think if you abort your baby you should go to jail for murder. You are killing a baby, that baby has its entire life ahead of them and they just take it away.  

  23. i super agree w/ u it makes complete sense

    why can't others see it??!!

    so what if its her body she has a living human in it!!!  

  24. Because abortion is the woman's choice.  It's her body and her baby so she gets to decide what to do with it.  I know it's bullshit.  I agree with what you say.

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