
If labour go ahead with road charging in 2010 ?

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won't the price of food and other goods rocket up as hauliers pass on the extra costs of transporting goods to the supermarkets, who in turn will pass the costs onto us and we will have even less money because we have to pay more money to get to the supermarkets and to work in our cars .

Do you think That labour are trying to wreck the uk so any other party that comes into power will find it self in a complete mess?




  1. By law the next election must be held no later than 3rd June 2010, since they are likely to be busy fighting a campaign which they are going to lose, especially if they carry on with their stupid ideas, then there isn't much chance of this ever happening.

  2. Yes - Labour are complete thieves - and yes they are wrecking the economy.  

  3. Well has it stopped them before over the last 11 years? No. So why would it stop them from doing it in 2010?

    "Do you think That labour are trying to wreck the uk so any other party that comes into power will find it self in a complete mess?"

    Like it is not already here?  But hey they got voted in 3 times!

  4. Every time a govt spokesperson appears on the telly they are either a bored housewife or a scottish person, masquerading as a minister.

    Does the govt. have any intelligent female or male representative

  5. This Labour government doesn't know its ar se from its elbow, and couldn't organise a p**s-up in a brewery. They need to pull their heads out of their arses, before they can smell the roses and see the light, but they will keep taking us down the stream without a paddle until the cows come home, because a party full of tossers wasn't built in a day.

  6. You're right of course but then in La-La land all these taxes are paid by "the rich fat cats" so it doesn't really matter."The rich" can afford it.So that's OK.Also Labour does not really understand how business works.The millionaire businessmen who support them are just a fashion accessory - very few Labour supporters have ever worked in real jobs outside of Parliament - the public sector or - related ( publicly funded ) organisations.Having a few millionaires on board doesn't make the whole organisation business friendly.

    As well as all that road charging means you have an alibi for not introducing but still banging on about the socialist policy of "integrated public" transport which they have never been able to introduced.Either because they are not capable of it or it is just another slogan.    

  7. The answer is yes.

  8. THis happens in France already. Most of their motorways you have to pay to drive on and they seem to manage OK. In fact their road system is far superior to the Uk

  9. They won't do it because they won't be in power.I don't think that it would be an exaggeration to say that if Labour were to hold a general election now they wouldn't win a single seat anywhere in the country.At the next election they will be finished for good.Brown should go now and at least give Labour a chance of recovering a little dignity.

  10. What are these Labour party cretins trying to do! Everything they touch is wrong!

    What they are trying to do is look good for the academics!While anyone knows that prices will spiral upwards!Then what will we hear!Why?It is world wide price rises!Instead of being honest and say!Our transport policies have 'screwed' things up!

    What they are really saying is!We haven't a chance of winning the next election!Things will look bad for the Conservatives !Then they will say!We are the only political party to sort things out!When it was their fault in the first place!

  11. MPs are all a bunch of twats tbh

  12. everything will go up, many hauliers are going out of business according to a good friend of mine who is one, and that's because of the high cost of fuel. Any further increases in road charges will just kill off many people, and businesses

  13. its part of the global Zionist agenda- the seizure of infrastructure is a priority of the NWO. All parties in Britain are controlled by the 'City'

  14. Your last sentence may contain an important truth. For some time now, I have believed that this Government is deliberately trying to sabotage this country by anarchy. Economically, morally, you name it. Once achieved, we will have to rely on the EU to rescue us. Mission achieved.

    Even as it stands, would anybody want the job of pulling this country back from the brink? To start with, there are too many stupid people who wouldn't be prepard to make the sacrifice, having been brainwashed by lefties.

  15. Its all rediculous - no new taxes - that was a laugh.  they didnt get voted in even once by me!

  16. I don't think they're out to wreck the economy.  If they wanted to do that they would just lend billions to American down-and-outs who can never repay it, and reward those who do it with millions in bonuses.  No prudent Labour Government could be as reckless as that!

    The truth is that this is Chris Patten's doing. His "double whammy" campaign against John Smith's and Paddy Ashdown's campaign to put 1p on basic Income Tax won the 1992 election, and persuaded all parties (in England anyway) that the only way to win elections was to drop Income Tax.

    Road charging is just another Stealth Tax to fund an acceptable level of public spending and still be able to drop Income Tax to 20%.

    I'm afraid if anyone is to blame for this, it is the 1992 electorate.  Even the LibDems are now pledged to drop Income Tax and put it on Stealth Taxes.

    Something nobody has mentioned is that Government will know the precise whereabouts of every vehicle in Britain.  If for example you declared to the tax authorities that you were working in London, they could then demand to know why you were observed in Leeds.  If it turns out that you are seeing a lover or mistress in Leeds on the quiet, then a spouse opening such a letter from an official may prove a tad embarrassing and spark off divorces which might have been avoided...

    The Government will claim even more the right to question every aspect of your private life, and effectively put the nation under surveillance.  Already every single question and answer on Y!A and the addresses of every website visited is being recorded and may be used against us, if only to build up a profile of a possible offender or "inappropriate" thinking based on the latest Government theories.  Their interpretation of our personal predilictions could easily end up on a police file which cannot be challenged, is there for life, and may well affect our employment prospects.

    Do we really want to live like this?

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