
If land is annexed into a city does the city have to pay to put in water?

by  |  earlier

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Some land I own was recently annexed into the city I live in. There is no water or sewage on the land. Does the city have to run water and sewage to my land ( ie I shouldn't have to pay an independent contractor to do it). If you could site sources or links it would be extremely helpful!!!! Thanks!




  1. The answer is going to depend on your location and the specific rules of the city that did it.  You will need to contact the city offices to find this out.  There is no obligation unless it is part of the city's rules.  Even if they are required under the city rules to do it, that obligation is to run the pipes down the right of way.  You would have to pay to run the piping from the street and also pay a hook up fee in most cases.  The hook up fee will also depend on the city rules.

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