
If larger societies are more succeptible to peversion and corruption, why do people dismiss overpopulation?

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Isnt it true that the more people there are the harder it is to live? Now im not saying start taking people out, like ethnic cleansing in africa or europe, but how about more focus on birth control?

and is homosexuality a related issue? Theres probably no way to tell if , per capita there are more g**s than there used to be say 100 or even 1000 years ago, but frankly I'm glad they are so accepted in society, i think its no coincidence that g*y culture is gaining ground, I think its very important to our success as a human race. your thoughts?




  1. I suspect that larger societies contain more corruption and perversion for the following reasons:

    1.  It is easier to become and remain "anonymous" in a larger society.

    2.  There are simply more people -- therefore more relative corruption and perversion -- in a larger society.

    3.  There is more constant arousal in a larger society -- all-night this, twenty-four hour that, all-you-can whatever -- and so the people living in a larger society reach jaded saturation points, and turn to perverted or corrupt behavior (which is, of course, all in the eye of the beholder...) in order to overcome boredom.

  2. ., you might think about changing your Name, Mr. w***e.

    About the population question, if any politician said he wanted to control the population, he'd be out of a job. It might work in China, but not in a 'free' country.

    But, ya, overpopulation IS the major cause of problems. What the government needs to do, instead of giving tax breaks like $3500 per kid, parents should have to PAY an extra $3000 or so in taxes per child to pay for 'free' schools and stuff.

    As for homos, who cares? Live and let live.

  3. I am agree with you. Human beings are destroying their habitat. The only way to control larger societies is making rules for everything. You have an organized society with robots. In small communities there is social control, the best way to control perversion and corruption. If happiness is the objective of the life, overpopulation is a big problem. In my opinion, citizens should study hard to have the first baby. To have babies must no be a free option and religious are being an obstacle to preserve and develop the essence of the kindness.

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