
If laughter is the best medicine, who's the idiot who said they 'died laughing'?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It's an expression to say how funny something is.  Though there have been people im history to die while laughing.  When a person laughs they use up all the air they have and unless they get a break they don't suck air back in.  So you can suffocate.

  2. Some clown of a doctor said it. lol

  3. hahahaha thats really funny,never thought about it that way! maybe they overdosed? lol

  4. not sure but i would rather die laughing with the gift of humor than moan and whine about it

  5. That's what you get for taking drugs.

  6. I don't know who said it. I do know they also say there's too much of a good can O.D. on medicine if your not careful...

  7. laughter is just a medicine that helps u forget the pain once in a while, and died laughing is just an exaggeration.

  8. not sure

  9. If you take too much medicine you can overdose and die.


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