
If laughter is the best medicine then why isn't every cancer patient using pot?

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If laughter is the best medicine then why isn't every cancer patient using pot?




  1. Laughter comes in many forms, NOT generally from pot.

  2. Not sure what this means but you may be saying that those who smoke grass tend to laugh a lot.

    If this is true then the people that i know that smoke pot are the exception because they don't act differently than anybody else.

    It doesn't do anything for me other than dull my brain, make me worry about getting caught and put me to sleep.

    When are we going to understand that we are all different and have different needs,wants and dissimilar metabolisms.

    I have no answer other than to enlighten a possibly misguided view.

  3. Some cancer patients do use marijuana to help them get an appetite, or to sleep.

    Some have medical marijuana licenses, and some do not.

  4. because pot is six time more carcinogenic than tobacco.. YOU JUST CAN"T WIN!  

  5. i am sure you have been told this before, but i just have to say it....YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!    

  6. You are assuming that laughter IS the best medicine; it isn't. If it were, then doctors would tell us jokes or tickle us instead of putting us through grueling treatments like chemotherapy.

    There's no evidence whatever that laughing, or having a positive attitude or being happy has any effect on the progress of cancer or the efficacy of cancer treatments. Rather, there is evidence that it has no effect

    This link is to a report in the British Medical Journal which explodes the theory that a 'fighting spirit' is associated with longer survival from cancer or that 'hopelessness and helplessness' means poorer outcomes. The researchers analysed existing studies from1979 onwards; their conclusion is:

    'There is little consistent evidence that psychological coping styles play an important part in survival from or recurrence of cancer. People with cancer should not feel pressured into adopting particular coping styles to improve survival or reduce the risk of recurrence.'

    So, laugh your head off or sulk and moan - it makes no difference to the progress of your cancer or your chances of recovery.

  7. Cuz it's not funny.  

  8. A lot of cancer patients do use marijuana, however, it can also be a bad thing for patients to use.  Real marijuana naturally has bacteria and fungi in it.  As does everything that is grown, but most of the time marijuana has not been processed.  During chemo and radiation the immune system is down.  Some patients even become neutropenic, which means their immune system is super low and they are super susceptable to infections.  While the bacteria and fungi in marijuana would not hurt a healthy person, it could cause infection for someone going through chemo and radiation.  Depending on how low their immune system is, it could actually cause massive fatal infections.  When neutropenic, there is actually a neutropenic diet that forbids consuming any food product that has not been processed including fresh fruits and veggies.

    While I fully support marijuana, it drives me nuts that 99% of people have a strong opinion, but few actually know all the information about it.  While marijuana can be a great aid while going through cancer, it does in fact have many risks while using it during cancer.  

    There is also a synthetic thc pill that many patients use that does not have the infection risk, called marinol.

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