
If left untreated, how long does it take for Parkinson's disease to end with death?

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If left untreated, how long does it take for Parkinson's disease to end with death?




  1. The main aim of treatment in Parkinson's Disease is to minimize symptoms. Taking Dopamine or other similar medicines will not prolong life - but may make it more bearable. It is as far as I am aware not possible to predict at what rate an individual will deteriorate, and many people have long periods with no measurable deterioration.

    If I am correct in thinking that your question is based on a wish to die rather than live with what can be a dreadful disease, you have my deepest sympathy (for what that is worth) but it is worth noting that many of your symptoms can be controlled and one of the worst symptoms is often depression resulting from the lack of neuro transmitters in the brain - which can also be helped with medical support. If you do feel that your life is not worth living please consider calling Samaritans - they won't try and tell you what to do with your life but will listen to you and let you talk about how you feel in complete anonymity.

    I hope this helps. Good luck


  2. that would depend on the rate of degeneration and presence or absence of any other debilitatingillness

  3. Hello Agate! Wegen deiner Frage habe ich eben mit einer Freundin telefoniert. Sie ist von Beruf Laborantin im Krankenhaus und sagte, dass es gegen Parkinson inzwischen gute Medikamente gibt, die in Deutschland von der Krankenkasse bezahlt werden. Bist du Amerikanerin? Hat dich ein Arzt falsch behandelt? So etwas kommt schon vor, doch dann wäre Schadenersatz fällig.

    Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich deine Frage richtig verstanden habe. Alles Gute, wirklich von Herzen. Wie könnte ich dir helfen?  

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