
If life doesn't begin at conception why do Democrats want us all to use condoms? ?

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If life doesn't begin at conception why do Democrats want us all to use condoms? ?




  1. There are more that one reason to wear a condom these days. It's not just about conception. Granted not every woman whats to get pregnant, she may also not want to get an STD.  

  2. to make sure that teens most likely wont have other words its a way to make sure that we dont make a baby unless we want to...

  3. Democrats respect the right of women to get an Abortion, but that doesn't mean they want every woman in the world to get pregnant and get an abortion. Ever heard "the best defense is a good offense"? Condoms are a preventative measure against STDs and pregnancy.

  4. Life beginning at conception has nothing to do with condoms or democrats. Where the h**l did you go to school?

    Condoms prevent sperm from entering the v****a, THUS preventing conception. I do believe that life begins at conception. However, you're not killing a fetus by using a condom. You're making a smart decision if you're not ready for kids. Did it ever cross your mind that Democrats support safe s*x so that there are less abortions and children thrown into slummy adoption centers?

    Grow up already.

  5. Because you will get aids and die.

    This is a dumb question. Its not funny

    Abortion is not a subject to s***w around with. Especially not in the same category as a presidential election

  6. I've seen some stupid questions on here but I honestly think this tops the list. Please, please, please, use condoms and don't stop.

    Don't want you polluting the gene pool.


    Huh. I didn't pollute this space with an answer? Yahoo must've tricked me with this clever little YOUR ANSWER box. Guess I'll have to find some other way to respond rudely to that cute little message you sent me....

    And seriously, what does:

    Thanks, for proving to me that you have absolutely no thought processes to s***w up that tiny little brain of yours.

    that mean? I mean, I can come up with several ways to s***w up my "little" brain. It's called brain damage, sustained from several injuries and usually fatal in it's most lethal form...

    And since I THOUGHT of all of that in my "little" brain I guess that would mean that I have thought processes to s***w up my little brain.....

    Thanks for proving that you aren't even grammar efficient enough to come up with a coherent reply.

  7. so you don't get aids and then they have to find a cure for your S****y a$$

  8. u should e-mail this to  John Edward.  He knows the answers

  9. prevent conception?

  10. I guess they want less abortions. I know I do and I'm pro-choice. Surprise.

  11. LOL...I agree with kim

  12. Not all people just republicains need to wear condoms.  

  13. Barack Obama says he's not sure when human life beings.

    And in 2004, John Kerry actually said that he believes it starts at conception.

    So, here's one major Democrat saying he's not sure, and another major Democrat saying that life does begin at conception -- yet both of them are hard-core supporters of legalized abortion anyway!

    If a guy isn't sure when life begins, shouldn't he err on the side of caution and assume it begins at conception?

    And if a guy says human life DOES begin at conception, how can he favor the legalized taking of that life?

    Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton says she does NOT believe life begins at conception, and she favors legalized abortion.  

    I don't agree with her -- but at least she's being consistent, and not duplicitous like the other two.


  14. its one big conspiracy

  15. Because even though abortions are fun, cool, hip and demonstrate your independence from moral judgment, not to mention they keep you from being punished with a baby....they're also a little bit expensive.

  16. Have you ever heard of AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, or teenage pregnancy.  It isn't a republican thing or a democrat thing, it is the smart thing to do.

  17. Because it's just another thing they can tax.  

  18. Two reasons:

    1) condom use is their answer to what used to be good moral judgment

    2) They have realized that AIDS is killing their voter base faster than the lack of birth control can repopulate it.

  19. I'm not quite sure that this is anything to do with Democrats. Republicans would be supportive of using condoms. You might be confusing politics with religion.  

  20. I didn't know condoms were a Democrat thing.. It's more of a 'I don't want STDS or a baby' kind of thing..

  21. So everyone doesn't contract AIDS, I guess.

  22. I agree with KIM , it's about getting safe from any deseases. (Std, HIV etc.) and not getting someone pregnant..

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