
If life is a Lemon......where is my rain check?

by  |  earlier

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"Life is a Lemon and I want my money back", Meat Loaf.

; - (




  1. Sorry, God dont do refunds. =)

  2. Oh no!

  3. I'm sure a lemon doesn't chose to be a lemon. You don't chose to be in a life with lemons. At least hope that it's an organic one :)

  4. Ahhhhhh!

    I have your answer!!

    If your life is a Lemon - why not try making Lemonade!*!*!*!*!*!

  5. If life gives you lemons, so make a lemonade!


  6. Don't worry you can still get your rain check as long as you either, choke on the lemon (die to leave earth for some place better) or suck it up (stay on earth and tolerate your life) because it's the first step to making your life on earth better.

  7. ...meatloaf has been on the hunt for years...unfortunately he chose to ride the fame forfeiting all rights for a buy back... for your rain check...ask your parents they have to look over their

    rain check policy...good luck...

  8. The check is in the mail, but you moved and left no forwarding address so the loser who moved into that dump after you is going to get it and cash it and spend it on liquor and DVDs.

  9. If I were a successful musician like Meatloaf, life would not be a lemon. But I guess the grass is still greener on the other side of the fence for everybody. The only place I know of to get a rain check is by joining a religion and going to "Magical Heaven".

  10. what money?

    I agree, life sux at times but it is only a lemon if you let it be one.

    lower your standards dude....wooooohooooo!!!!! then it's party time yeah!!!

    just kidding  

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