
If life is basically playing games, is it a game to search for God in order to stop playing games?

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If life is basically playing games, is it a game to search for God in order to stop playing games?




  1. the game of life ends (temporarily) when you become the being that religions call "god", but it's not really the goal... the goal of life is life itself. the goal is to live and enjoy this neverending journey/story.

  2. Life is not a game, but a challenge. But I think I know what you mean. The search for God is in reality the search for inner peace, to know what is right and wrong, to live in consideration and respect for your fellow human. Whatever box (church or religion) you worship in is up to you, as long as these basic human traits are taught.

    As a former Christian, you must also not be afraid of history, because even though they do not agree, both science and religion can explain who God really is if they only were to work together. To see what I mean, try reading these:

  3. Life is not a game, if one is playing games in life it leads to  sin and death.  Life is quite serious and about having a relationship with God. in order to be have a perferct heart.  Mt 54:8 say's Be ye therefore even as your father which is in heaven perfect.  If your heart is perfect not only will you not want to play games, you will hate games, because you will know that it is not of life but of death. Mt 6:24 - The Lord say's no man can serve two masters he will hate one, and despies the other or else he will hold to one and despise the other, you can not serve God and mammon.

  4. if that's what works for you then keep doing to what you do. at the end of the day each human being is said to be a unique so you can have a your own unique belive and the way of doing things. keep up the good work.

  5. Wanting to have a relationship with God is so much more important than playing games.

  6. Life isnt basically glaying games though........

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