
If life is really as short as they say, then why is the night so long?

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If life is really as short as they say, then why is the night so long?




  1. the night gets so long during and because of the lonely days... i've once watched the moon travel the sky until the sun came up.

    how's that for an anwser?

  2. The night seems so long because you are watching it. The life is really as short as they say because you are running along with  it. Get it by trying out.

  3. Youre in Antarctica during the summer and northern Canada during the winter.

  4. night seems so long when u are lonely or doing nothing.. but try doing something on night.. or anything that will u keep u busy during night, it feels like,"ohh time's is so quick"..

  5. becuase that's when people usually have s*x haha :)....don't ask just enjoy....

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