
If life is suffering then surely death must be happiness, bliss ! Is it then wrong to take one's own life ?

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I mean if life is nothing but suffering with no escape, no end in sight, then what can be so wrong in suicide ? I know about that viscious cycle of birth-and-death thing but isn't it better to go and come back in another form and try all over again. Who knows ? Better luck next time ! Your comments pls.




  1. If only life operated upon that assumption. only get one life; and if the one you

    own is filled with nothing but suffering I'd say

    it's time to re-evaluate the psychology and mentality

    of your life? Perhaps, there's a deeper problem

    or problems which require professional or spiritual

    counseling and/or for a psychiatrist to diagnose

    your condition and prescribe you with the proper

    treatment(s) if deemed necessary?

    Suicide is never a solution for several reasons:

    1) If you're religious you should know that this is the way to wind up in h**l; the REAL one, not this perceived one we think is right here on earth.

    2) Committing this act is quitting and is for losers as perceived by the secular world as taking the lazy, cowardly and easy way out.

    3) Taking one's life would not solve the would simply leave this world of problems and sufferings only to continue on to the next world for more of the same. Souls don't die; so if the soul is already tortured and suffering, no comfort shall come from trying to take the short cut. One can't cheat death by beating life.

    Finally: Bliss and happiness only comes to those who accomplish them while alive; those things mean nothing to you dead if you lived a miserable life then ended it all thinking you could seek them the easy way.

    I could look at my life and decide that I'm defeated and have nothing to look forward to nor to live for; but, in the long run I'm only teaching myself how not to ever be content and experience happiness/bliss.

    You have to seek fulfillment of the soul and adjust your persona.

    Once your attitude about life and the way you preceive life change

    you will then know the secrets to getting things right this time.

    Why go and come back when you're already here now?

    Those bad experiences were meant to happen, as

    they're designed to make us develop and grow

    stronger. No one ever said that life would

    be easy. Get out and live more.

    Dare to be adventurous.

    You take charge

    of your own




  2. true, nobody knows and can't give a precise answer to that. we never know what we'll find in death...

  3. Here is the 2 problems with suicide: 1. we incarnate because we have stuff we need to learn. if we leave school early, we only have to start again. commit suicide if you must, but know the lesson is still waiting, 2. just because you show up to school doesn't mean you are actually learning, in order to learn we have to be in a position to learn. Each stage of life has an infinite amount of stuff you can learn from but I am not going to learn about how to handle sexuality until I develop adult sexual characterisitics. In humans that doesn't even begin until you are 8-20 years in. If the lesson you need to learn is how to maintain self-respect and dignity while your aging body betrays you then that is even longer. Here is a possibility though: Maybe the children born with Progeria actually commited suicide in a former life because of their refusal to deal with aging in a former life. The point is there is no getting out of jail free card. Go ahead, commit suicide if you are in too much distress. That in itself may be the lesson you needed to work on. It has been for me these past 28 years. However do not think it is an escape. It is not. We all need to wake up to our true nature and we will go through whatever we need to in order to acheive that, including h**l itself. This reality of suffering is what develops compassion for yourself and all beings and compassion is the highest truth.

  4. death is painful. when i was 16 i met with an accident and u know that i was declared dead. but after 20 mins i wake up suddenly and everybody arnd me in trauma center was shocked. thanks to a god now iam fit and fine. whole thing which was happend to me really painful. i cant tell u that how much pain i suffered when i was declared dead.

      dont ever think of suicide. its nothing but a painful end of ur happy life. i didnt find any cycle of birth and death. when a person dies he never comes back.

      have u ever seen hitler??? how can u see him. he is dead.  

  5. Do you believe that all people who are suffering, are good? If a person is suffering that is doesn't mean he is not bad person. and I believe that there is a creator who is justice and after we die there is a judgment day when God rewards or punish us for what we do  this is first point. Another point is, your life is not only for you. it is at first for God who gave it to you (if you don't believe in God you can escape this) and it is for all people who love you. Any one take care of you has a part of your live. So we don't have the right to finish it. Any way I want to tell you as Napoleon said there is no impossible under sun. the hope is the key which will open all doors in front of us. So dream that the next day will be better and work for that.

  6. Well, I don't know what kind of life you're living, but I'm having a g*y old time. The longer it lasts, the better.

  7. In some cases, the 'wrong' in suicide is associated with selfishness and suffering inflicted upon survivors.

  8. Rather than seeing life as sufferiing, which is part of life but not all of it,

    try this one: life is a lesson to be learned, death is graduation, suicide is a failing grade!

  9. that is EMO talk....

    follow a belief (a relegion ) and these kind of answers can be answered, but the point is

    life isn't all suffering, a small time is suffering, ( Jihad = suffering, just for people who don't know what it actually means )

    you need to wake up and take the challenge rather being whiny and crying in the corner, after death/ after life will determine how good you did in the present life....  

  10. Your life is what YOU make it, and there is always alternatives to looking at life negatively. There are no guarantees that you will "come back in another form", but if you do actually believe that to be true, then you would also know that you will not come back at all if you force your own death.  By taking your own life, you have chosen to END it, not exchange it for another life.  

    My Father chose to end his own life, the pain and horror we as those who loved him beyond words have had to endure, is beyond words to describe.  It was sudden, done without any clues he was distressed, and he did not leave us any explanation.  I will ALWAYS love him dearly, but I am angry he left us the way he did.  My step Mother found him when she got home from work - laying in a pool of blood, shot in the head.  She will NEVER be able to get that picture out of her head.  How could anyone do that to someone they loved.

    YES, you selfish brat - it is VERY wrong to be so insensitive.  

  11. You are smack dab in the middle of an argument the only way out is up and that means growing up.

  12. Distortion of life is suffering. We are not our bodies. We never die.

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