
If life on others planets was confirmed?

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Would the USA and other countries wish controls wish to control them and take away their land/planet? Similar to what has happened in historically?




  1. No, because the closest planet to us is not within reach on any level as of yet.  If life on other planets was confirmed...that would mean god was cheating on us with other planets...that dirty dirty god him.  No, if it was confirmed, I think it would spell the end to christianity! WOOT!

    EDIT:  The conservative catholics are trying to cover their asses i would believe.  It is hard for anyone to admit there is nothing out there...and your right, the bible never talks about non-earth if it was out there, why would god omit that from the bible?  Seems like an important least more important than someone was swallowed by a whale and lived in its tummy for a

  2. ok

  3. About the "end of Christianity" comment: Nowhere in the Bible is non-Earth life ever addressed. The Bible addresses Humans here on Earth; nowhere else. Even the conservative Catholic Church admits life may exist elsewhere.

    About "control them": Unless we come up with a space "warp"  device - no.

    Space warp is a purely fictional device invented just for story-telling purposed.

    The US has matured considerably over time; we voluntarily gave up slavery introduced to us by the Dutch traders. We are far from perfect but are way farther along than many Near East, African, & Eastern nations.

  4. possession is 9 tenths of the law.  We probably would because it would make us stronger at least that's what I think our government would think.  If they wouldn't be a treat I can't see why we should.

  5. I can't speak for what people a few thousand years from now might do, but logic tells me that it would be next to impossible to take over another inhabitable planet due to the lack of adequate attacking forces.  Only a few people can fit in any spacecraft while the other planet will have thousands if not millions of inhabitants.

  6. Considering we have a hard time even imagining how to setup a base on Mars it is hard to see how they would expect to take over some other planet.

    Chances are if any life is even found in our own solar system it'll be nothing more than bacterial lifeforms and even that is questionable.  Any intelligent life must therefore be at an entirely different star system and we simply have no way of getting there (our fastest spaceship to date is a probe sent to Pluto and that will take 10 between even the nearest solar systems would take centuries with today's technology).

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