
If light is endless....?

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then why is the deep sea dark?? like the really deep parts.. i mean wouldnt light travel to there?




  1. Light gets absorbed by water.  Blue light travels farther but red light gets absorbed more quickly.

  2. I agree with you guys!

  3. Along with absorption, water has an index of refraction. Which means that some of the light is reflected off the surface of the water. Light is a wave.

  4. Light is absorbed by particles in the water. the deeper you go, the less light there is, as it is absorbed all along the way down.

  5. Light is made up of little packets of energy called photons. When light travels through a medium (air, water, glass, etc), some of the photons strike molecules and are scattered.

    Think of sunlight on a hazy or foggy day. The thicker the haze or fog, the less sunlight reaches the ground.

    Near the ocean's surface, most of the light is able to penetrate the water, so visibility is good. As you go further and further down, more and more of the photons strike things in the water (seaweed, fish, algae, etc.) until you get to the point where there is no more light.

    Hope this helped!

  6. Its too dark in there. But there is also a little bit light that will reach the deep parts. Do you still know that water is transparent.

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