
If limewire is illegal why dont they just take it off the internet?

by  |  earlier

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it doesnt make any sence to me.cause to me.if something is bad.wouldnt you try to eliminate it then keep it there for more and more people to use?




  1. you can downloaded it from a lot from many different websites

  2. it's not's file sharing!!!

  3. Because it is regulated off - shore and there are no copyright laws there.  


  5. limewire rocks!

  6. I think it's still legal here in Canada. :)

  7. the software is legal. the sharing of copywrite material is not.  

  8. I don't believe you understand.

    Limewire isn't illegal. It's a legal program for peer to peer sharing.

    What's illegal is downloading products you don't have the rights to, such as music. Now, if you download songs to a CD you already own, you're legally permitted to do such. If you download music from a CD you do not, you're a music pirate, and that is illegal.

    Basically, they created limewire to share programs, products, images and so on with other people. You can go on there, put a game you designed on there for people to play and use. That's not illegal.

    However, if you choose to put music on there (That you legally or illegally have) for others to download, that is illegal.

    Limewire: Legal.

    Pirating: Not.

  9. learn proper grammar! and it isn't illegal. sharing the files on there is.

  10. There's no guarantee someone will be using it for illegal purposes and limewire clearly states on the application that it is not to be used for illegal purposes (haha, right.)  


    PLZ HELP!!!!;...

  12. No. It's only illegal if you burn CD's and sell them.

  13. Limewire itself isn't illegal, it's you, the user, that's doing illegal things with it. Limewire can be used for legal downloads but it's the people who swipe music and other copywrited files with it that are breaking the law.

  14. Because god waunts it to be there to show that he Is the one making the laws. Sometimes things that are considered illegal, are truely just a way for lazy people, who sit on there *** all day, to steal fast and simple money. From hard working inisint peasants.

  15. I have pondered this a thousand times even now as I'm using it, but the concept of lime wire is not supposed to be illegal, but we (criminal minded Americans) abuse and misuse everything.

  16. Limewire has actually gone to court before to argue its case and it won.  Thus the reason for it still being there,

    Limewire is a filesharing network.  A lot of people view it as theft, but in reality it's no different than your friend burning you a CD, giving it to you, and you listening to it.

  17. Why is this question asked so often? Do you really care about this that much? File sharing isn't illegal necessarily.

  18. cause lime ware is not illegal what you do whit it is

  19. LOL, its not illigal, the files being shared are illigal

  20. the site itself is not illegal its the downloading of illegal music?

  21. who is 'they'?

  22. LimeWire itself isn't illegal, but if you use it to download copyrighted files for free (this includes music, pictures, videos and even documents) that you are effectively stealing from the owners and THAT is illegal.

    This is regardless of whatever country you're in; the law is the same all over. If you share things which have a licence on LimeWire than that is fine, as the owner has given you permission to download the file. Otherwise you are doing something illegal.

    Hope that clears things up.

  23. Limewire isn't can still do completely legal stuff on there. Just copyright infringement, which is the most popular use for it, where you distribute and download things you don't have the permission to distribute and download, is illegal. But since the company isn't committing those crimes, and actually made efforts to make users agree they "wouldn't do it," (though we all know the truth), the government can't shut down that business. They did nothing wrong, they users corrupted it.

  24. LimeWire: Legal or Illegal

    LimeWire and other file-sharing software is legal. Using it to upload or download copyright protected media -- music, videos, images, software -- without the copyright holder's consent is illegal because it is theft.

    Here are more opinions and tips:

        * LimeWire says it is legal because technically it's just a "file sharing" service and it is not held responsible for the files that are downloaded onto the system. Only the users are responsible. That's why, when you download songs from LimeWire, it's legal for them, but NOT for you.

        * Don't be fooled by the fee you pay to use the PRO version of LimeWire. The artists of the songs you download don't get a penny of that! ("LimeWire offers two versions of the software: LimeWire Basic which is free of charge; the other is LimeWire PRO which costs a small fee, features faster download speeds and better search results, including up to 6 months of free updates and customer support via email.")

        * Even if you download a coyrighted song for your own personal use, it's still illegal. Perhaps one could skate around the issue if they already own a legal copy on a CD, but then why download it if that's the case. Any fees paid to LimeWire are for purchasing the software and that's it.

        * LimeWire is not illegal software. All it is is file sharing. However, many people abuse this by sharing songs without the copyright. For example, if you have produced a song and then share it on LimeWire, anyone else can legally have it for free. But when you haven't made it, but an artist has, who has copyright on that song (which they all do) downloading that song without permission from the producer is totally illegal.

        * Downloading songs and other copyrighted material is illegal, but if you wanted to share a music file of you singing or playing an instrument, then that is perfectly legal.

        * LIMEWIRE IS ILLEGAL! Although, with LimeWire, you will probably never get caught, if you as much as bring your computer in for a repair and a worker sees the program or any music you downloaded from LimeWire, he is ordered BY LAW to tell his boss, and you will get a fine (I had to pay approximately $200.) It's not pretty. Although we all want LimeWire to be legal, it isn't.

        * The LimeWire software itself is not illegal -- that is why the site is still up and why you can still download it. However, if you download a song from the program and you do not pay copyright on it, that is illegal. Songs from the 1950's (or before that date) are legal to download because their copyright has expired. Anything from after that is illegal to download. However... You are all going to do it anyway, so this is just to make you aware of the legal situation!

        * Is LimeWire illegal? No, it is not. It CAN'T legally be held accountable for what its users do. Let's put it like this: A major virus takes out the whole of the Internet. But when they trace the source, it leads to Runescape servers, for example. Runescape is an online game that gives its users access to its servers, kind of like LimeWire. Now are the people who own Runescape responsible? Nope, but its users ARE. Same thing with LimeWire. My advice to you is this: Do not use it to access "free" music, or "free" programs... images... and so on and so forth. I have had my fair share of songs I got from LimeWire. And if I could, I would return them to the artists and companies that worked hard to make them.

        * Here is some info regarding P2P software and file-sharing. If only people would just take the time to read the fine print. I've visited the websites of a few popular file-sharing software distributors and looked for disclaimers, TOS, End User Licenses, etc. I have only quoted bits of relevant information to give you an idea of what to expect. For more detailed info, follow the links I've provided or visit the sites yourself for the full text. Continue reading to see what I found.

        * LimeWire itself is legal. Downloading any copyrighted song that you do not pay a royalty fee on is illegal and is stealing, unless the artist has given his/her permission to do so. The legality of most P2P sites is questionable, at best. Will you be prosecuted? More than likely not, but the question of legality is another matter. This entire issue has not been resolved as of yet. Could you be prosecuted? Possibly. It is your choice. Agree or disagree, this is how a friend of mine -- a lawyer -- explained it to me.

        * It's been said again and again. Yes, LimeWire is legal. But not everything you choose to do with it is.

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