
If majority of Black-Americans are Democrats, why do most of them drive big gas-guzzling vehicles?

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If majority of Black-Americans are Democrats, why do most of them drive big gas-guzzling vehicles?




  1. so they can have a place to live  when because of the republiKLANs they lose their homes

  2. it is a status thing that you will probably never understand.

  3. My theory is that lots of people, African American, Asian, Korean, Hispanic and Caucasian alike tend to gravitate toward large vehicles for 1 OR 2 reasons.

    1. they think that by driving this large, expensive vehicle it represents their "social stature" or how much money they earn. However, typically, they pay more for their vehicle (loan, gas, insurance etc) than they can afford.

    2. Some people have no other choice. They have large families etc. I, for example, drive a Dodge Durango. The reason being that I have 5 people and three LARGE dogs (a mix breed, a Great Dane and an American Bulldog) and as much as I loathe the payment and the fuel costs to fill up I can't imagine trying to squeeze us all into a Prius! We try to go as little as possible and my husband and I carpool to work and back.  Which means we are only fueling ONE vehicle instead of two, and our children ride the bus home from school (and to school some days)

    Typically, your social economic class that drives these vehicles, tricked out with hugangous rims and stereo systems that you can hear and feel for miles are those same people who receive government benefits and do not work, have the vehicle in someone Else's name and live in public or subsidized housing (this includes ALL races)  and it generally has absolutely nothing to do with their political views. (option 1 is generally your most logical option)

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