
If majority of american beleives that osama was did the 9/11, are american public was agreed with bush way?

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bush way is to counter attack the terrorism in inside or outside America.




  1. You need to read a little bit more about that event and why we, as Americans, know that a certain group was involved. However, I believe our President and his administration misread the reports they received and were already intent on finding a way to "foot hold" in the mid-east without upsetting the true target. May I suggest you open a book, magazine, or even watch a few programs on what is actually going on in that region of the world and how these events will ultimately effect your world.

  2. IF a majority of Americans believe Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks, that is the result of government propaganda spread by the mainstream media.  It may be true, but the evidence is not there.

    Very shortly after 9-11, Secretary Rice announced the government had "irrefutable proof" that OBL was behind the attacks, and the information would be released to the public "shortly".  We are still waiting.

    The FBI is still waiting too.  Its reasons for wanting OBL do not include the 9-11 attacks.  Surely it wants that "irrefutable evidence" to finally upgrade its reasons for wanting OBL to include 9-11.  

    The OBL videos were obvious fakes, but let's assume they were not for a moment.  A taped confession is enough to send a murderer to death row in America, yet it does not suffice for the FBI to use as evidence for wanting OBL for the 9-11 attacks?  Give me a break!

    President Bush has already announced that finding OBL is not a top priority.  Imagine that.  The terrorist apparently responsible for the event of the century, and the President doesn't see it as a priority to find him.  Give me another break!

    IF the 9-11 plot started with terrorists, the plot was not completed by the terrorists.  Suits in Washington polished it.  The evidence for government foreknowledge is clear and compelling for anyone who wishes to read it.

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