
If man evolved from apes,whats happened to the species that are inbetween this process ?

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If man evolved from apes,whats happened to the species that are inbetween this process ?




  1. Bigfoot

  2. Our lineage is Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens, to Homo sapiens sapiens.

    I know, I know "but where are the species that are in between each of those?"

    Short answer Look at current fashions. Now look at fashions from the 1950s, 1900s, 1800s. There's a great difference. However, you can trace the evolution (oh my that word!) from one change to the next. As species changed they evolved into new ones. Same as with fashion. What do you do with old clothes?

  3. Have you been to Newcastle?

  4. you got the wrong imformation we did not evolve from apes some men turn into apes ha ha

  5. Also if Adam and Eve were the first people...were they apes?

  6. They were called football fans.

  7. Some species die out. There are many species between man and ape which have been found in fossils. Man and ape are related but they both evolved from a common ancestor.

  8. They're called teenagers.

  9. The missing link...........

    Consider this two sets of humans one quite ape like the other mordernish say 900's they would be fights over land and war would wipe many out then the remaining ones would get mixed in with us till their genes disappeared......

  10. Starting from Homo Sapien Sapien (Modern Human) we go back throughout the genus Homo and on to the Australopithecines. Previous to to the Australopithicines you would find a common ancestor of H.S.S. and Apes.

  11. What you just said isn't true. We are not evolved from apes. We have similair genes as them tht is what Darwin said.

  12. There are many holes in darwinian evolution... look it up on amazon there is hundreds of books and tonnes of evidence against it.

  13. There may not have been as many manifestations as you would imagine. For the sake of argument and theoretically:

    Five completely different species are living in the same area. One is ill equipped to survive. Dies off. The second is brought into the third group and best survivability traits of both create a new and improved third group. The third group intermingles with the fourth and a new fourth group emerges. This one kills off the fifth group and the  original remaining members of the third group. So, something like that....?

    C. :)

  14. They're asking questions on YA

  15. Some of the above answers cover it, but just to chime in:

    Homo Sapiens (Us) deverloped from other hominds(bipedal primates like neanderthal, cromagon man etc.) who in turn if you go far enough back had a common ancestor to todays apes and monkeys.

    Strangely enough despite our supposed dominence and definete sucess each existing species is the presumtive end stage sucess story of evolution. for example Mountain Gorillas can eat dense fiborous plant tissue and we cant. Had our environment stayed like that instead of becomming more savanah might be them who evolved and not us.

    Each change in environment changes the conditions giving the edge to one species over others.

  16. First off, humans did evolve from apes.  The common ancestor was an ape, it just  wasn't an existing one.  It is amazing how many people get that wrong even when they support evolution.

    There are in fact plenty of inbetween species.  Today, we only have the great apes and humans that survived to present.  Neanderthals and later Homo erectus died out probably due to competition with modern humans.  Some like Homo heidelbergensis may have evovled into us as well as Neanderthals.  There is always a competition for each niche.  Whichever animal is most adapted to that niche will take it over.   The others will perish.  DNA reveals how closely related we are to chimps, for example.  Our common ancestor with chimps split into two populations roughly 6 million years ago.  One branch went on to evovle into various bipedal apes and hominids, including ourselves.  The other went on to evolve into bonobos and chimps.  There is absolutely nothing in the fossil record or DNA evidence to suggest otherwise.  It is true that fossil evidence is sparse but that has more to do with geology and the difficulty in fossilization of land animals.

  17. Humans did not evolve from apes. Humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor.

    Maybe try getting your science from, oh, actual scientists, instead of creationist dumbasses.

  18. they died, it's called natural selection, in an ecosystem creatures evolve to survive, and the creatures that can't evolve quickly enough just die

  19. You are thinking of evolution as a linear process when it is a branching bush effect; it is not a chain of being.

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