
If man evolved from apes why are there still apes?

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If man evolved from apes why are there still apes?




  1. The apes that went the right direction evolved into humans and the apes that went the left direction evolved into chimpanzees.

    Here are the links:

  2. We didn't evolve from apes.  Apes share a common ancestor with us - big difference.  We are closely related to them and can see where we branched off, how it happened and where exactly it happened by comparing our genomes.

    If you do a you tube search for 'Ken Miller apes and humans' this may help you understand why we did not evolve from apes.  It goes for just over four minutes.  Ken is also a Catholic but can still understand and accept evolution.

  3. Actually, most of us doesnt beleive in that  or do we? Joking I think we didnt really come from apes but from as just being humans. Cause the answers there on your question. If we came from apes, then obviosly, those apes must have becemo one of us right. and they should be familiarized by our technology. So in the real world we didnt really came from apes. If i where you, I would read also the bible theres a story there about how it all become to be its on Genesis Chapter 1

  4. Same reason wolves are still around, and dogs evolved from wolves.

    They didn't evolve from ... they share a common ancestor with ... etc ... can we get a cut/paste from someone's good answer to this question the last thousand times its been asked, please.

  5. Go back to school, you're not ready for this discussion!

  6. The same reason why there are still Jews even though Christians and Muslims evolved from them

  7. You go shopping and buy new clothes. Why then, when you get home, are there still old clothes in your closet?

    Evolution is not unlike a tree. New branches appear, grow and fork. Just because a new branch (species) appear on a limd doesn't mean the rest of the tree dies.

    Oh. Man didn't "evolve from apes" so perhaps that's why theer are still apes. About the only people teaching humans evolved from apes are creationists.

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