
If man evolved from monkeys, why didnt all monkeys become man....?

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Both scientific and non scientific answers are welcome.. :)




  1. God, not this question again. Talking to you fundy freaks is like talking to a wall. A stupid, stupid sheep of a wall.

  2. Man didn't evolve from apes. Macro-evolution (going from one kind of life form to another) violates Mendel's Law. Read about Gregor Mendel sometime and learn that it is possible to get variations but impossible to get something completely different. There is no evidence whatsoever that man has evolved from any ape, monkey, gorilla or anything. Most of the "missing links" that adorn textbooks have either been misinterpreted or proven to be fraudulent.


    Piltdown Man

    Nebraska Man


    Homo Erectus

    There is a limit to the variation of any life form. Think of DNA like a Jenga game and mutations as moving the blocks. After five minutes you will see my point.

    -David H

    Fundy Freaks have feelings, too. Remember that there is a person on the other side of the computer. Don't say anything here that you wouldn't say in front of others. Your answer reflects brazen ignorance and makes me wonder who has ears like a brick wall.

  3. You are sooo smart that I cannopt lie.

    Some monkeys did not evolve because they were at lunch and didn't get the word.

    Jaysus! Don't Ja hate it when that happens?

    Jim D

  4. Firstly, we're descended from apes, not monkeys.  Apes includes the following species: Chimps, Benobos, Orang-Utangs and Gorillas.  Each of these species is, in turn descended from one ancestor - I can't remember exactly what order they broke off in, except for the fact that Benobos are a sub-species of chimps.

    What happens with evolution, is that changes take place within species as soon as a gap opens up in nature/the environment.  Species that are exactly suited to a given environment stay the way they are.  So all the species above have found a niche, occupied it and remained as they are.

    Somewhere along the line, a great ape or bunch of great apes was subjected to environmental upheaval, and finding themselves in a state where the niche they occupied was no longer available, were forced to evolve.  One current idea on evolution, is that it takes place rapidly over a short period of time, rather than over a long period of time.  An upheaval such as a volcano erupting and blacking out the sun for a few years would force this to happen.  The species that no longer have a niche must evolve or die.  And we did.  Either that, or chimps were interfered with by aliens.... take your choice.

  5. Because animals don't evolve enmasse from one species to another.  It happens on an individual basis or a few individuals but not to the entire species.  Sometimes a species will go extinct as a result of a mutation to an individual with better survival qualities, however, this is very rare.  More likely, a group of mutated individuals (a new family branch) will break off from the rest of the species and develop on its own (find its own niche) and the rest of the species will either continue on or evolve along its own path.  So its easily seen that a group, a species - could have another group branch off from it.  Thats how evolution works.

  6. Man did not evolve from Apes OR Monkeys.

    There was a proto-simian that Apes and Humans both evolved from.

  7. First, it's apes not monkeys (there's a difference).  This is my slightly educated view.  Say a group had the saber tooth tiger in their living area and other apes didn't.  The ones with the problem had to get on the ground for roots to eat but had to quickly get back into the trees for protection.  So, they started walking upright to be in the climbing position faster.  They survived because of this and it becames habit.  After a while, their backbones change and causes other body parts to change also.  One change leads to another.  Soon they are different altogether.  Well, maybe not soon but at some point.

  8. You and I are one of several variants that evolved up from the lower primates.  Man and monkeys have not discontinued evolution.  We (mankind) don't presently run our fingers through the body hair of our companions looking for little

    crunchy things to eat but it remains an option if monkeydom

    is desired.  You have a choice.  They don't see it as choice.

    We don't know if Neanderthals was more like us than monkey

    in this snacking aspect but as a varient it was discontinued.

    We won as did the monkey.  Go figure.

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