
If man evolved from monkeys is man as intelligent as he imagines? Are monkey's smarter than we think?

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There is a major chasm between monkeys and man. Or is there? Is scientific achievment that is used for war intelligence?Prove something.




  1. These questions are seperate, and may become muddled if mixed together.

    Did you know that the famous biologist Dr Jane Goodall witnessed DEADY primate gang wars,

    but didn't report it at first, because scientists thought only men behaved that way.

    They were half right.  It was MALE primates who ripped apart the bodies of competing "tribes".  Like a Jihad.

    Maybe we are not so different as we think, regardless of the "theory" of evolution.

  2. Monkeys aren't smart at all.  Intelligence is something that was past one, was was started.

  3. They're not smarter than a fifth grader.

    Haill, neither am I.

  4. It's pretty clear that monkeys are not capable of doing many things that humans are capable of doing, and yet humans are capable of doing just about everything that monkeys can do mentally (that we can observe anyway).

    So I would have to say that the evidence is overwhelming that humans are smarter.

  5. Nobody asserts that man evolved from monkeys.  This is a mischaracterization of the evolutionary theory by creationists, perhaps a deliberate one.  What evolutionists believe is that man and monkeys have a common ancestor.

    Monkeys and apes are just as far advanced, evolutionarily speaking, as man. All have had the same amount of time and opportunity to evolve.  They have just evolved along different pathways, adapted to different environments.  And we are all about equally well adapted to our environment.  Crocodiles and alligators are much the same as they were 50 million years ago, long before humans appeared, yet the even larger chasm between alligators and humans is never brought up to disprove evolution.

    Yes, monkeys are probably smarter than you think. Chimpanzees and bonobos (which are apes, not monkeys) can use tools, they can learn a vocabulary of hundreds of words, etc.  They are about as clever as 2-year-old humans.

  6. we did not evolve from onkeys. Monkeys and humans evolved from a common ancestor which was a primate that died out due to natural selection. We are not monkeys, but our DNA is shockingly similar. That said, i must tell you, monkeys are not stupid, they simply act on their instinct, while we act on what others think, which makes us quite less evolved than them sometimes :)

  7. The monkey's lack of manual dexterity due to no thumbs does not allow them to use tools as man does. Lack of ability to use and create tools causes lack of mental development so monkey's may be smarter than we usually give credit, but ultimately the thumb is reason for our enhanced mental abilities.

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