
If man made global warming lowered your taxes would you still struggle to find ways to deny it's reality?

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If man made global warming lowered your taxes would you still struggle to find ways to deny it's reality?




  1. Dumb question, global warming is a scam to higher your taxes not to lower it. But no (whether I answer yes or no, it won't make a differents) is the answer to your question.

  2. Global warming may or may not be happening-But for Algore to scare people into buying his global warming remedies is unconsiousable.GLOBAL WARMING IS A FLAWED THEORY ADVOCATED BY PEOPLE WHO WANT TO TAKE YOUR MONEY!!!


  4. First of all, not a great question as it will only significantly increase taxes. Second, no I would not go along with the lie just to achieve lower taxes. One must follow the sccience, not the models.

  5. To suggest that humans do not have an affect on the planet would be in a state of denial, however all life on earth has some affect and it is a part of the natural cycle of the planet.  The problem is that it was hyped for an emotional response, and frankly its starting becoming a debate over idealist on both sides of the spectrum, and money will not convince either side.

  6. A significant carbon tax that is implemented as a revenue neutral tax, offsetting income tax, would almost certainly lower my total tax bill. That is  because I have a low carbon footprint and a high income class.

    It would not concern me on the basis of this whether I argue one way or the other. Cutting down on our use of fossil fuels is helpful on its own merits, even if we can not stop GW.

    So, I want to have a heavy carbon tax applied to fossil fuels and offsetting my income tax.

    As implemented in British Columbia, the Carbon tax is trivial, but will help mostly people with low incomes who cut their carbon footprint. I could live with that too.

  7. It's created a whole new industry. Businesses that are green can sell carbon credits to those who aren't.  It's win, win. Company A makes money without have to produce anything for it, and  B stills gets to pollute, but somehow Al Gore thinks this will help? Duh, just another scam. And my taxes will still go up.

  8. Nope, then I could just sit back and quietly know it was hogwash as long as nobody was forcing me to live in a manner that I didn't want to.

  9. Wow, what a specious question.

    I deny this theory's reality. It is STILL a theory. Explain why global temperatures haven't risen in the past ten years despite a huge output in industry in non-Kyoto countries.

    The THEORY of global warming is simply a money grab.

  10. no , this so called man made global warming is not real , look just because some ice is melting so what , the earth since it has been made is , has , and always will be changing. somehow this whole hype just came about , who are you , i , or anyone to say there has always since day one been ice where it is now? could it be the earth is healing itsself and there is nothing we can do to cahnge it , because we are  just another animal here on earth  and are egos  to say we can change it is insaine

  11. You need to learn the difference between objective and subjective science.

    Just like you need to learn just what a valid question is.

  12. Your question is a valid one, as none seems to understand.  What do they think is going to raise their taxes?  subsidies for alternative energy?

      That can't be a big problem, since they are tiny compared with the subsidies for what is harming both the environment and our economy--OIL.

    "U.S. oil imports: $309.4 billion in 2006, over three times the 2001 level.

    · Cost of oil-related defense expenditures: $137 billion in 2006.

    · Loss of current economic activity outflow: $117 billion in 2006. The money Americans spend on oil imports is not repatriated through international trade.

    · Loss of local, state and federal tax revenues: $43 billion in 2006.

    · In 2003 it was estimated that our import dependence deprived the U.S. economy of

    828,400 jobs.

    · Economic toll of periodic oil supply disruptions over the past three decades: between

    $2.3 trillion and $2.5 trillion.

    · Amortized costs of supply disruptions: $133 billion annually.

    · The grand total of all oil-related external or “hidden” costs stands on $825 billion

    per year. This total is nearly twice the figure authorized for the Department of

    Defense in 2006.

    · To put the figure in further perspective, it is equivalent to adding $8.35 to the price of a gallon of gasoline refined from Persian Gulf oil, making the cost of filling the gasoline tank of a sedan $214, and of an SUV $321."

    JANUARY 2007

    "The American public has long equated the cost of energy with whatever is happening at

    that moment with gasoline prices. This emphasis on short-term price fluctuations is

    misplaced because it ignores broader costs America’s oil import dependence imposes on

    the domestic economy. The simple truth is that no matter what the customer is charged at the pump, the price they pay is only a fraction of the real cost to the domestic economy. Indeed, the lion’s share of petroleum’s economic burden is never

    seen by the consumer because it takes the form of what economists term “externalities”:

    costs that are not reflected in the price of a commodity, but are nonetheless real. These

    “hidden costs” make the reduction of our import dependence an economic imperative.

    The external or “hidden costs” of our oil imports derive from a number of different elements."

    Blueprint for U.S. energy security.

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