
If man utd lose a game why do all the liverpool and arsenal fans come out and chat s***?

by  |  earlier

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i mean if arsenal lose a game they go hiding for about 1-2 days

if liverpool lose like they did when facing Chelsea in the champions league they hide for a week but when man utd lose only the real supports like giggsy 007 ect come on here then all the liverpool fan and arsenal fans are like " hahahaha manu lose they are c**p without ronaldo" but remember everyone has a bad game




  1. Liverpool fans have to put up with sh-t here even when their team wins!

    At least Man Utd actually lost.

    Btw it's not ALL their fans... I haven't been posting any obnoxious questions about Man Utds performance.

  2. Do you see me chatting about it I dont care to be honest the only thing i liked was how a lot of you were all talking like you had already won it before kick off

  3. Aah ignore the haters. We know we can succeed and thats all that matters.

    Glory Glory Man United!

  4. So United fans are allowed to "chat s***" about other clubs 363 days of the year but when we get a chance to "chat s***" we're denied it?

    Seems unfair to me.

  5. deal with it man don't be a baby if you can make light of other teams don't get your panties in a bunch when your side loses. take the lashing.........  

    ps remeber they are c**p without ronaldo

  6. I suppose they take every bit of opportunity to abuse Man Utd because there aren't too many anyway. Besides, the Super Cup is nothing but an overhyped event.

    You see, they can't talk shite about the league and the CL.

  7. the same goes with arsenal and liverpool not only your team

    arsenal lost one petty game and everyone was going on about it as if it was the end of the world and a lot of users were constantly asking questions saying "arsenal's c**p .they wont win nothing"

    but thats football for you

  8. so where is he i cant see him oh yes he must be hiding cause of this

  9. What are you harping on about? When Manchester United lose we see obnoxious c**p questions like 'Man United are the best team in history' or 'We haev injuries'

    and we hear all this c**p excuses and all their asian/ethiopan (90% of their fanbase) fans start bringing out their history. You are the sore losers and nobody else

  10. Thats hatred.

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