
If man was not created as an adult how could an infant survive evolution?

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really , how could an infant survive to become an adult without parental care?




  1. Joe, you're killin' me.  The question is asking how could the very first human infant survive if there was no human adults to help it grow.  Somewhere in the evolutionary process there has to be a first human.  That first human has to be a baby because humans are not born fully grown.  I fear for the future.

  2. Is this a serious question?/

    If it is, then answer me this: what happened to the infant's parents?

    It's only if man was created that he would not have any guardians to protect him as he learned how to survive in the world.

  3. We're not talking Adam and Eve here. The first human was a result of centuries and millenia of evolution. Therefore, the first human( Yes, an infant) was the product of a near-human being, likely just another step in evolution. The baby didn't raise itself, it was raised by the almost human parents it was born to.

  4. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,--  I just don't know how else to answer this one!!!

    Edit, - your question still doesn't make sense, it has nothing to do with evolution.

  5. i never thought about this!i think yes it was born,created through evolution. a baby was born maybe through different "breed" of parents until it became like us-completly human.but those almost human were created and then just -some-survived with out parents since they were born out of...i do not know what...maybe other animals took care of the first babies..

  6. Individuals do not evolve -- populations evolve.  The first human (no matter how you define human) was born to near-human parents.  The population would have been a mix of humans and near humans until the human traits dominated or a human subpopulation split off.

  7. That is why creation and evolution must be considered.  You get contradictions like these when you only consider one.

  8. beacause it's not some huge diet change that is completely different, eg. If I give birth to a homo stupidus, what I eat will give it life. For long enough to reproduce.

  9. Babies are born today, how do they survive?

    Somehow the idea that the "first" existed in a vacuum has taken hold. The 'first man" (or woman) was part of a family and group. Were you to define what makes up a human, you'd be hard put to determine the differences withing that group. You won't find huge differences. (ie chimps giving birth to the baby human)

  10. This makes sense as an argument for evolution, but not for religion. Is that your intent?

  11. I think you have posed a good question, despite what anyone here may say.  There has been tons of research done on the need for physical and emotional support and contact in infants.  What they had found is that children who aren't given adequate amounts of physical and social support from a "parent" or "care giver" have problems forming relationships later in life.  Before research standards and ethics were created and implemented they found that a neglected child/baby would suffer sever physical and emotional  trauma if neglected and even death.  We have to assume that we are the same today as we were in the past, since there is no evidence to refute that claim, and that the same thing would happen.  So for evolution to work the evolved child would have to survive or humans would have had to evolve into an adult form.  If humans were to evolve into an adult form then we would see a punctuated rise in the evolution spectrum.....simply put on Monday we were apes and then all of a sudden on Tuesday we were adult humans.  So what was the external factor that would have caused such a drastic and sudden change in evolution?

  12. Are you saying that children can't survive if they are different than their parents? What about adopted children? Picture this .. two short people get married and have a child that will be tall. What's the problem?

  13. There certainly never was a first human that differered significantly from its parents.  There was always a population of hominids that essentially were nearly identical genetically.  That population changed slowly over time.  If you want to put an arbitrary line of where the first human was, I suppose you could do that, but you have to understand that it would be completely arbitrary.   There is no end to questions like this.  Why not ask, "If man was created as an adult, how did he survive, since he didn't have a proper upbringing?"

  14. I think that a full grown human had to come first. It reminds me of the chicken and the egg. I think the chicken came first because what sat on the egg to keep it warm.

  15. I don't think you survive evolution. The first human had to survive living in nature. The first human was probably cared for by their parents who were not human, but pretty darned close. They still had the instinct to care for the child.

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