
If marriage is a religious cerimony...why do non-religious people get married?

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If marriage is a religious cerimony...why do non-religious people get married?





  2. Marriage is NOT a religious ceremony.  It's a legal transaction.  Why do you think you have to go to court, not church, to get a divorce?

  3. It's not religious. And a marriage ceremony doesn't have to be religious.

  4. its not totally just a religious thing.  marriage has a lot of legal implications, such as health insurance, social security and inheritance and property laws.

  5. Hi, you don't have to get married in a church, you can even make up your own vowels we did, ive always said i would never get married in church i don't believe and never been to church in my life so why get married there. I got married on a beach near clearwater florida, best way to do it :O) in my opinion  

  6. Non religious get married because of legal reasons.  A married couple has the right to share benefits, file taxes together, enter into other contracts together such as loans, they are the automatic next of kin/poa medically and legally, can adopt a step child..

    This is why non religious people want to get married.  This is why homosexual people fight for the right to become legally married.  Even the areas the recognize domestic partnerships or civil unions do not give all these rights.   In my state, domestic partner ships can share benefits, but you have to pay income taxes on whats paid.  So, you pay your premium.  You have a proceedure that costs 2000.  You make your 200$ copay, and the insurance makes their 1800 payment, and then charges you income tax, on that 1800.  Legally married couples do not have to do that.

    Homosexual couples can not be recognized as both being legal parents/gardians to a minor, and god forbid something happen to the legal parent, the child can be pulled from the non legal parent, against their wishes.

    Legally married couples have automatic inheritence.  Domestic partnerships do not.

    Marriage is not solely a religious thing.  It is a legal contract that has legal reprocutions.

    If the religious want marriage to only be for them, then they need to quit making it legal with the gov.

  7. As people have said, it isn't simply a "religious" ceremony but also secular ceremony.  Marriage pre-dates Christianity and has been around in other cultures where the Jewish, Christian traditions have never been present.  

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