
If mcain and palin over-turn roe vs wade.......?

by  |  earlier

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and take away a womans right to an abortion, if a woman is raped and got pregnant, that means she must keep it? what if their daughters were raped and got pregnant, shed have to keep it too right?




  1. First of all, the President can't do that.

    Second, should Roe vs Wade be repealed, that does NOT mean abortion is illegal.  It pushes the issue back to the state government, where it truly belongs.

  2. While the other posters are right about the executive branch not being able to overturn a Judicial branch ruling... they failed to mention (or see perhaps) that the executive branch (namely the president) has the total power to nominate and name judges to the seat of 7 supreme court justices.  Bush got 2 in there already (remember samuel alito?)

    So, if one Supreme court justice retires over the next 4 years, McCain could in theory name a very conservative justice to replace him... and that would turn the conservative : liberal justices to 4:3.  THAT would allow for the Roe V Wade issue to be brought up again in congress or house... and could lead to an overturning.

    This is why it is important to not vote for the party that wants to take away rights.   I mean womens rights, wiretapping and search and seizure without warrants.... patriot act Bullspit... its the beginning of a very Orwellian society.

  3. The President/VP do not have that kind of CONTROL over Roe v. Wade. The only branch of government that can affect Roe v. Wade is the Judicial Branch (i.e the Supreme Court).

    I'm astonished to see people on here not knowing this basic fact of our US government per the US Constitution.

  4. OMG!

    Please tell me you're in Junior High School.

    if you're older than the 10th grade, it's clear why this country's going to c**p.  

  5. This can only be decided by the Judicial Branch, not by the President or the Vice President.

  6. The Executive Branch of government cannot overturn a Supreme Court decision.

  7. Please try to educate yourself.  There is a world of information available to you beyond YA.  McCain and/or Palin have no intention of overturning Roe vs Wade, nor do they either one have any intention of seeing victims of rape being forced to carry a pregnancy resulting from rape.  Such hysterical, bug-eyed scare tactics are a little ridiculous.

    Read and learn.  Don't just bleat the same nonsense over and over.

  8. The Executive branch cannot overturn RoevWade. The Pres can facilitate its overturn by appointing pro-life Supreme Court judges when vacancies arise.

  9. First of all they can't over-turn it and NO an adoption choice would never be taken away..


    Peter V - true, stranger things have happened but it won't be on McCain's' watch since he is an adoptive parent and his wife volunteers in orphanages.. Also believe it or not, a decision this contraversial would not be over-turned so easily..

  10. I've heard the lie that the Obama campaign put out there saying that McCain, if elected, will overturn Roe v. Wade. That's an impossibility, And they know it. Obama is trying scare tactics just like the Republicans do, only he thinks you are ignorant enough to believe something you should have learned in 8th grade.

  11. a. they cant do that they can put judges on the supreme court if its time that wanna do that but they themselvescant

    b. it will never b overturned no matter wat,

    the abortion talk is just that talk its just a political move 2 get votes no politician actually wants to overturn it or for the matter to b settled cuz then that would affect the voting should have no rite to tell woman wat they can and cant do with their own bodies thats y im pro choice not cuz i love babies bein killed but cause i believe its the woman's rite to decide for herself  now if all the woman of america wanted to get together and vote on the issue then i could support w.e decision they made

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