
If mccain picked hillary to be his vp would you vote for him.?

by  |  earlier

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mccain cannot win the election on his own merrits. he needs to throw a hail mary pass to have a shot at presidency. would you vote for him if he picked hillary.. I know she is a democrat and a girl. but she has alot of people who still like her.




  1. I would have to vote for him.  His opponent is Obama.  I would just leave the voting booth, and slam my head against a brick wall to get the though of how stupid McCain could be to choose Hillary.

  2. Last I checked the polls McCain was slightly ahead so I guess he has as much chance or more than Obama to be President.  I am afraid I would have to vote for Bob Barr if McCain were to be so unintelligent as to pick Hillary as his running mate.  I do not believe he is that stupid.  Maybe it would help Obama if he were to pick someone like Romney to be his running mate.  Obama is sooooooo liberal he needs a large dose of conservatism to make him palatable to voters.

  3. if i could i would vote write now for mccain cuz i think that we are not ready  for a womane presidnt or an african amarican. im affraid that one of them mite get assassenated.

  4. I wouldn't vote for him if he paid me to.

    And I'd vote for him even less if Hillary was his VP.

  5. we're screwed either way it goes.....mccain or obama... doesn't matter who the running mate is...

  6. No I dont believe that its true.  I think McCain has just as much chance as Obamma, and the polls reflect that.  Any connections between Senator McCain and Senator Clinton should be kept behind closed doors.

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