
If me and my friend did a detailed wash on your car how much would you pay us ?

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If me and my friend did a detailed wash on your car how much would you pay us ?




  1. Assuming you're just talking about the outside... a hand wash, chamois dry, and windex the glass would get you $25.

  2. it all depends on how detailed you got inside and outside tires

  3. it depends on what you look like? and im not being a typical guy. a guy would pay just about anything to have a hot girl detail his car

  4. 30 bucks maybe for just the outside. It would depend on the size of the car too. SUVs and minivans are b*tches to wash because they're so big, haha.

  5. I would pay 20-30 bucks -/+ depending on shiny it is hehe.

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