
If me and my husband both have blue eyes?

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Our future children WILL have blue eyes, right?

From what I read, if you have blue eyes, that's the only gene you can pass on, reguardless of what color your parents eyes are.




  1. Yes you're absolutely right.  You only have genes for blue eyes if you have blue eyes so between you and your husband thats blue eyed genes only!

  2. I really don't think so.. My husband and I both have hazel eyes, but our daughter has blue eyes. My mom, his sister and dad are the only ones that have blue eyes in our family.

    My mom has blue, and my dad has hazel, and I got hazel.

    So I think it's just a random selection from the genes.

  3. yes.  blue is you.

    no other color is possible.

  4. My mom and dad have blue eyes and mine are green- like my grandmas. So no, they won't necessarily be blue but it's very likely. I have 4 older brothers who ALL have blue eyes, I'm the only one who wound up with green.

  5. my mom has green and my dad has blue, so there's a pretty good chance of your children getting blue.....since you both have it :]

  6. Yes, that's correct.

    You are bb, and your husband is bb, therefore all of your children  can only receive bb.

  7. It's possible that your child could have another eye colour if two recessive genes mix. Neithe rof my parents have blue eyes, yet my younger sister does.

  8. The inheritance pattern followed by blue eyes is considered similar to that of a recessive trait, however it is a polygenic trait (meaning that it is controlled by the interactions of several genes, not just one).  So while in most likely hood your child's eye should be blue, there is still a chance it could be some other color.

  9. Yes. Because the gene for blue eyes is recessive, you have to have 2 of them in order for your eyes to show blue. therefore if both you and you spouse have blue eyes, your children will have blue eyes too.

    Green however is a mutation and it is possible for your children to get this, so don't be surprised if one of them comes out with green eyes. (But this is highly unlikely)

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