
If me & my bf break up will it put a risk on our friendship? we've known each other 11 years. we're both 15

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If me & my bf break up will it put a risk on our friendship? we've known each other 11 years. we're both 15




  1. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

    It'll change the way you look at each other though.  

  2. most likely it will at a minimum strain things for a time, it's possible after a cool down time you could resume your friendship, a big part of that will be communication, but it think it's likely that you can't push the friendship immediately

  3. It depends on both of your personalities and how BAD the break-up 14 year old son is friends with all of his Ex''s kind of funny almost all of the girls he hangs out with he has "gone out with" at some point,~~Aloha, Good Luck and Hope It all works out for you~~

  4. it depends on how you break up. if it is done in a nice way, and you both get a chance to talk about your differences, than why not?

    but if you find another bf and maybe lie to him or hurt his feelings, then you are risking the friendship. it depends a lot on the personality as well. if your bf is a jealous type, than it's very difficult for him to accept the situation.

  5. dunno

  6. It's difficult to say without knowing you or your boyfriend. Some people split up and can never speak to each other again, some have no problem going back to being friends. I think it all depends on how long you've been friends, and how much your relationship has changed into the romance role.

    It also depends on whether it's a consensual break-up, or as result of an argument. If you've both decided you'll be better off as friends the transition shouldn't be too hard, but if one of you is still going around harbouring romantic feelings, it will be much more difficult.

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