
If men don’t care about how women feel about things, their perspective the problems they face, their issues? ?

by  |  earlier

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This does not necessarily mean that men ‘don’t like or reject’ women, just rightly indifference…

So what is it that women fear so much about men taking a stance on their own cause and issues?

MEN, with equality surely it is not any of our concern as men what happens in the world of women

So why do they barrack and fear so much over this?




  1. What a complete load of bollocks.

  2. Men learn words parrot fashion with absolutely no idea as to what the words mean. They are convinced that they do but they don't. You certainly do not so please don't try to impress us with something of which you haven't any knowledge. Thank you.

  3. Men and women on a large scale do not socialize with one another historically growing up they are kept apart.So they usually don't see one another as anything apart from love interests.So women tend not to care about how men feel about things,their perspective and the problems and issues they face either.It is because in general the two groups never learned to truly view each other as fellow humans.Anyway, I think that in the future we should socialize children together regardless of gender,race,religion, ect.. Then you wouldn't be asking this question now would you?

  4. Well for starters I think most men do care about these things and most women do not mind men taking a stand for their own issues and many are willing to back them up.  As for the people that do not care or do mind, I am honestly not sure.  My only answer would be pure sexism.

    EDIT- You mean the 19 answers?

  5. I dont fear men taking a stance for what they believe.

    I like strong men with opinions

    If a man thought exactly the same as me then I'd be pretty worried.

    Men should be concerned about women's rights though, after all we're living in a mixed society

  6. Why must we have gender-specific problems? Most of the serious problems we face in the world today have nothing to do with the gender. Gender based problems are either made up by man-hating feminists or made up by grumpy chauvinistic men. The rest of the modern world is over all that c**p.  

  7. The truth is if they didn't care they would not be making their own stands; caring does not always mean agreeing.

  8. I'm not really sure what you are asking? As the framing of your question is a little confusing (perhaps this is the problem you are having with women?). I do feel that that, in some cases, men have strength and power that a woman can't always overcome. The fear that a man may use this strength and power in an unmanly way to get the answer he wants or to get physical with a woman, is always our fear.

  9. You should care, we are women don't you understand that

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