
If men got pregnant, why would abortion be considered okay?

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sooo im not saying anything about my beliefs on abortion. or asking for yours...but i just posted a question asking 'what would the world be like if guys got pregnant?' and a lot of the answers were 'abortion wouldnt be looked down apon' or 'abortion rights would be in the constitution'...but why? WHY? how come if men got pregnant, then abortion wouldnt be considered as bad?

once again, i am not asking for your views on abortion. so dont answer by saying 'abortion is murder no matter what!' or something like that...idc.




  1. I could see it go either way.

    Reasons for abortion becoming more common:

    - Men have generally been in control politically.

    - Men tend to desire to have children less.

    - Men tend to "sleep around" more

    - Men, as a rule, would be less traumatized by abortion them women

    Reasons for abortion becoming rarer:

    -After a few generations of men having babies, most men would want to have children because of natural selection.  Those men who didn't get pregnant didn't have any offspring, so the genetic predisposition toward wanting to have children will rise.

    -It would be far less likely for a woman to force her husband to get pregnant than vice versa, so being pregnant won't have as much of a connotation of being "dominated" by the impregnating gender

    - Society is generally more sympathetic to women, so there might be more opposition to abortion.

  2. Without being biased one way or the other, I think that if people are saying that, its because there have been generations of men being superior to women.  For example, when men sleep around, they are playas and admired by other men, but when women sleep around, they are hos or whores.  While I COMPLETELY disagree with men being superior, I would guess that that is why people would think that.... but luckily for men, they CAN'T get pregnant!!!

  3. Because they don't have the correct organs to grow a child to its full correct potential  

  4. because men do not want to deal with a kid

  5. cuz they don't want to be lugging a child around for 9 months. they think its all peachy when a women does it cuz that's their "role"

  6. Are you kidding?  If men got pregnant, they'd commit suicide.

  7. personally i belive abortion should be leagal.its not always the RIGHT choice but it should always be the womans to answers you question because we still live a socity with double standars.its okay for me to do stuff that would categoraze a women as "bad".

    practical example.if a man has 3 woman,hes "the man".while if a girl has 3 guys,shes a "nasty hoe".go figure why is it okay for a guy to do it and in top of it get praced and not for a girl.

  8. Because in our sad world men are the one's who are respected regardless of what they do and women are just expected to sit there, look pretty and never make mistakes.  

  9. It would be legal, socially and morally acceptable so fast your head would spin.

  10. I answered the other question too, but I think the reason for this is because men control and have controlled, most of the power that determines society's laws and even social values, really.  Politics have been dominated by men, but so have most world religions.  Therefore, they would have had the power to make abortion legal and/or sway society's opinion about the morality of the issue.

    However, it is interesting to wonder if men would still have the power if they were able to get pregnant?  

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